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@verita84 @SuperSnekFriend Places like ncd are part of the reason,but mostly its really just that we need another wave of people. Hopefully the tumbler one will be successful.
- BowserNoodle ☦️ repeated this.
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@dcc @SuperSnekFriend @verita84 Why would you curse anyone with that knowledge?
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@tyler @SuperSnekFriend @verita84 Thats not all what has happened lol, its more than the more instances that die the less people there are. To many big instances is what happened years ago, and it is happening again.
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Guys getting married/busy with real life stuff improving them and their families lives is a good thing, and although less people around, it does sure sound like its dying. In reality, most people are working on whats truly important.
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@dcc @SuperSnekFriend @verita84 Will they be worse or better than the Gaboids?
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@wgiwf @SuperSnekFriend @verita84 Both, i think tumbler at this point is something werid and it might have some interesting people that come over.
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@sim @SuperSnekFriend @verita84 The problem is that more people here is always better than less.
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@dcc @SuperSnekFriend @verita84 I think this is just the nature of a decentralised network. It is harder to find the right connections. We are much bigger than any part of the network can see and a lot of it is about putting yourself out there.
I've been here a long time and I think we are a lot healthier when it comes to a numbers and interest game. I think we need to focus on what makes fedi better than wishing for more numbers. Having more people isn't going to create a better social media experience so I don't worry about it.
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@dcc @SuperSnekFriend @verita84 @sim An incorrect and naive assertion. More of the right kind of people might be better but that's not everyone and it certainly isn't common in migratory waves from whatever FAGMAN platform is flavor of the month to exodus from.
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@dcc @SuperSnekFriend @verita84 @sim > The filtering here works good enough.
it's too selective.
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@pwm @SuperSnekFriend @verita84 @sim "people" means right people, they would not be here otherwise. The filtering here works good enough.
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@pwm @SuperSnekFriend @verita84 @sim The issue is that's the only right people :pepe_cofe: you see the issue now
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@dcc @SuperSnekFriend @verita84 @sim Negative, ghostrider.
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@pwm @SuperSnekFriend @verita84 @sim
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@dcc @SuperSnekFriend @verita84 I still get nostalgic for the days before mastodon went viral. I'm not sure that more people is better. I'd be happy with a small community of people that were active, that we could get to know and interact with each other. To have quality conversations. Than just bringing floods of people in, the network does change with it like it has changed with mastodon.
I think the quality conversations and content are what will generate interest and keep people here. Our problem is not just generating that content but making it accessible. Search has been a difficult one to get right on fedi. Bringing groups back would help some of this. Otherwise content just gets lost in the timeline.
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@sim @SuperSnekFriend @verita84 Hell threads are groupes. but its becoming a lost art.
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@pwm @dcc @SuperSnekFriend @verita84 I think it is better if we focus on creating quality content and interactions with each other. Create our own memes, in-jokes, things like that. Build up the community here. Better that we avoid migration waves. More have a few people join up so that they can adapt better and understand the vision of fedi. You need something for people to buy into and I'm not sure we are good at doing that now because there are so many people here and so many that don't buy into it or care about it. (Decentralisation, freedom software, that makes us different and if we don't care about that then we're screwed and become like everything else. Community perhaps too.)
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@dcc @pwm @SuperSnekFriend @verita84 Given that people do leave, I'm not sure if I'd say that the right people are selected to be here. There are so many people here that you don't need to buy into the ethos behind fedi either which can be a problem for us if we stop caring about it. I wonder how complacent we have become with that? Especially with the larger we have become.
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@dcc @SuperSnekFriend @verita84 It is a lost art compared to before. But we used to have actual groups during the GNU Social days. It was easier to follow the timeline for content that was specific to our interests and connected us to others interested in it. You could build a community around it.
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@sim @SuperSnekFriend @verita84 Instances became the community, but now since there is less than there was there is less communitys.
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@sim @pwm @SuperSnekFriend @verita84 You are correct they need to buy in, thats the other current issue that is going on right now.
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@sim @dcc @SuperSnekFriend @verita84 personally I think the tent is (and ideally should be) a lot smaller than "anyone who can say slurs without having an aneurysm"
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@pwm @dcc @SuperSnekFriend @verita84 That wasn't a part of the ethos of fedi. I think that sort of came with the wave I came with, because smug brought that flavour to the fediverse and then other instances have taken that filtering up since then. So I don't know where I would place that.
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@dcc @pwm @SuperSnekFriend @verita84 Yeah. I don't know that we are communicating that well. On saying that, it is a filter itself if we can push back against these types bringing centralisation to fedi. We don't need to copy twitter any more than we have, than having a basic micro-blog platform. Our strengths are going to be in what isn't twitter now. That you have more choices here, decentralisation, freedom software, there isn't an algo feeding you content, it's not for advertisers and corporations but real, organic community. I'm sign me up on those things.