A brilliant idea from my mom:
If you own a Tesla and wish you didn’t, run an auction where people can bid on taking a sledgehammer to it.
A brilliant idea from my mom:
If you own a Tesla and wish you didn’t, run an auction where people can bid on taking a sledgehammer to it.
Proceeds could be for charity or to defray your own costs. Pretty sure you’d get takers either way.
The important thing is to publish lots of photos of it getting smashed up.
@inthehands while I get the sentiment, wasting a car, especially an electric one (batteries) is very un-environmental way of protesting
@tymwol (1) So remove the battery out and sell the rest as scrap metal after.
(2) You are not the first person to nitpick me about environmental optimization of protest in the replies, and…look…you know what’s least environmentally friendly of all? Letting oligarchs gain authoritarian power. The sunk material cost of a handful of cars is peanuts by comparison. Big picture!
@inthehands maybe make plans in advance to safely dispose of the wreck afterward. I don’t know what’s involved or how hard that is, but having a smashed up car with live batteries and connections in unknown condition and no plan for what to do with it doesn’t sound great.
For extra fun, remove the batteries first and rent a jackhammer or two
@ShadSterling I mean, if anybody’s •actually• considering this, clearly some planning is required
@whknott @tymwol
I mean, I think •that• is a bit over the top — both EV batteries and metals really are worth reusing or recycling, and Teslas are not gas chambers — but yes, the principle applies: sometimes stopping dangerous systems has material costs.
@inthehands @tymwol "You can't disassemble those gas chambers, think of the infrastructure investment you're wasting!"
Dumbest argument ever.
@inthehands yeah, but I don’t think that it hurts Elon if you buy a car from him and destroy it. You paid for it, so it’s yours. It’s like burning your books to protest against Amazon. There are ways to protest that simply are more efficient and make more sense.
@inthehands @tymwol I'd contend that selling it at 50% of current market rates would do more. A dozen Teslas getting smashed up might turn some heads but I don't feel like it would make much difference. Start selling them low and you drive down resale value, AND get some cash out of it. If the market is his vulnerability, -use- that.
@http_error_418 @tymwol
Yes, that’s clearly the thing to do at large scale. The sledgehammer auction is more clever fantasy, or at most a publicity stunt to be done with high visibility but in low numbers.
@inthehands I sold mine into the used market, one small push downward on the resale value to help the #teslatakedown. Glut the market. Drive new prices down.
This is a suggestion for those who are able, not for everyone.
It’s true that Tesla owners may not truly be able to afford ditching the car, but they certainly need to step up with something more than a sticker.
@inthehands there is an assumption here that any tesla owner can take the hit of selling their car below fair value and buy another one. i drive a 20 year old car, and wouldn't think of getting rid of it until the wheels fall off. We've got to be smart with every penny that comes our way. If you have a tesla, put a protest bumper sticker on it, and write to the tesla board of directors asking for musk’s firing.
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