@UnclePJ @actuallyautistic Ok so folk like me with autism/ ADHD etc are covered by the umbrella term of neurodivergent (ND) - ie our brains are wired differently to everyone else who are covered by the term NT (neuro typical).
One of the things that happens with ND folk is that we get hyper focused on things so that we are compelled to complete them. The fact that an outside stimulus - a timer going off, our partners yelling at us to do x/y/z or indeed a 3 minute warning going off - is not sufficient to break that compulsion.
One might say that we are incapable of responding to the alarm if out attention is otherwise engaged.
I also have no sense of time passing & am really not good at estimating how long a task will take.
Also - very much in line with me being a squirrel am easily distracted if not already tied up in a hyper focus event, so that even if I do respond to the timer then if something distracts me en-route, say I see that the cat has thrown up or that the soap dispenser is empty, or thousand other things then that will draw my attention away & the timer will be forgotten (this has happened countless times).
I hope this helps, it’s a hard concept to get across, people like Robert Kennedy & the orange oaf think we just need 4 years on a wellness farm to put us right - it won’t, we were born like this & develop strategies to mask our differences so that we better fit into the NT world - some of us get very good at that so we appear to be the same as everyone else, just a little weird. It took 56 years to catch me out- & that’s only because I sought an answer to why I was different.
If you’re interested in the core ways autistic folk can be different then do a DDG search on “Triad of impairments” which splits the most common ways autistic folk differ into 3 distinct areas. To be formally diagnosed one has to exhibit behaviours in each of the areas of the triad.