I just read a Reddit post that @puppygirlhornypost2 linked to.
It's quite the disaster of clueless, cis privileged, trans-antagonistic fuckery.
Allow me to explain...
[hoists flamethrower onto shoulder and presses ignition key]
I just read a Reddit post that @puppygirlhornypost2 linked to.
It's quite the disaster of clueless, cis privileged, trans-antagonistic fuckery.
Allow me to explain...
[hoists flamethrower onto shoulder and presses ignition key]
It takes time that you were able to experience with the rest of your cis female peers years ago.
With a built in support group, for better or worse, of your peers.
Chances are, your transfem friend/family member doesn't have that body of peers to support her in this process.
You might be it.
Think about that.
And give her the space and grace of understanding to find herself. She needs it.
You didn't pop fully formed into womanhood out of the forehead of Gloria Steinem. None of us did, cis or trans.
And you know what? While the dresses and the makeup and heels might disgust you because you're so fucking enlightened after working through all of this in your teens, we didn't have time to do that until later.
We've got to go through the same learning and deconstructing of social messaging of femininity that you did.
Only later. But with cis people throwing bigotry, job loss, relationship loss, family loss, murder, and genocidal politicians at us.
So back the fuck off, okay?
Yeah, adolescence ain't pretty. It's awkward. It often hews to traditionalist notions of gender that patriarchy drops on top of us, until we work through it. It means figuring out who we are as women. You went through this too. Rewind your memories and admit to those awkward moments in your own life.
I know they happened for a great many of you.
OK, so your transfem friend, family member, or whomever is openly experimenting with femininity for maybe the first time in her life.
Just let her have fun with it for fuck sake, and hold off on shitting out a feminist critique of her.
Giver her time. She needs time to figure out who she is.
Maybe she'll be super girly for the rest of her life. OK, well that's what she's comfortable with. It doesn't fit your tastes but she's not your fucking twin. Have some boundaries, OK?
Maybe she'll head for something more "in the middle" and express gender in a way that isn't hard on the high femme side of the binary. That's fine too.
Maybe she'll figure out that she likes a more "butch" appearance. That's also fine.
But to get to those end points, it takes experimentation. It takes time.
Given that I've explained this exact same stuff diplomatically so fucking many times in the past, I'm not going to be gentle this time.
Hey cis women, you got to experience girlhood and all that entails at an age-appropriate time in your lives.
And while I know it wasn't a cake walk, at least you got to have that fucking experience to work through your shit about walking through the world as a female person at an earlier moment in your lives.
For those of us who are trans women, we had to do a 0 to 60 cram the experience into a compressed amount of time as we transitioned while the world was trying to destroy us as adults.
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