Ugh, woke up this morning with the stabby pains in my flank; looks like "Lil Elon" the #KidneyStone is in a mood today.
Currently accepting thoughts, prayers, and gentle internet hugs.
Ugh, woke up this morning with the stabby pains in my flank; looks like "Lil Elon" the #KidneyStone is in a mood today.
Currently accepting thoughts, prayers, and gentle internet hugs.
@apples_and_pears yup, I've had 'em off and on for over 20 years. No fun.
The neurochemical release once they piss out is interesting, but not worth the weeks of pain to get to it.
@RamenCatholic I've suffered thru them a few times. When they strike the pain is debilitating, severe, and immediate. Once they leave the body it's as though they were never there.
They appear to be a tiny grain of sand (though they can be quite large). The small ones have spikes all over them. Kidney stones cause unbelievable pain.
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