@mrsaturday@Humpleupagus@moira@p@verita84 maybe not totally all at once but there's a stoic revivalism happening right now. enclaves will form of these people who are tired of modernity. they will focus on self improvement and personal relationships. these networks will become powerful through practice. their families will be large and healthy. others will join them or be shoved out of the way to make room for the continuation of their own tribe. in this way, the old, stagnant order dies and gives way for a better one. 200-500 years.
@mrsaturday@Humpleupagus@moira@p@verita84 people are getting pretty fed up with that so hopefully we'll see the end of it before long. (or at least the beginning of the end)
@Forestofenchantment@Humpleupagus@p@moira@verita84@mrsaturday tjats what im saying will happen. liberalism itself has been identified as the rotten seed of the society we live in, and its more widely known now than ever, with more people learning every day.
@Nudhul@Humpleupagus@p@moira@verita84@mrsaturday The Traditionalists tried to do that a century ago and it didn't work. In order to disinfect yourself of modernity, you must be capable of shirking of institutions and dogma extending to at least the Renaissance and at most ancient Greek ideals.
There exists no such person who can do this. The West has fallen.
@Nudhul@Humpleupagus@p@Forestofenchantment@moira@verita84@mrsaturday Americans have jews crawling out of their sewers after raping children with bedding stained with bodily fluids, send their kids to schools full of child sex predators then act outraged over school mass killings, and voted for a child sex predator more than once.
Europeans somehow come out less gay than those that preen about being anti-lgbt.
@Nudhul@Humpleupagus@p@moira@verita84@mrsaturday False. Americans are even less likely to resist against Liberalism, because their country and its foundational myths are based around this falsehood.
this one needs an update for AI >give normalfags a knowledge engine >contains all knowledge available on the internet, answers within seconds, gives custom explanations on any topic imaginable >normalfags [use it to write quips that get more likes from other normalfags/use it to search up edgy shit they would never even do like how to build bombs and the post that for likes/fake outrage about politics/etc.] >within days/weeks all of AI becomes obsessed with censoring and useless
> Everything we have from the ancients suggested highly hierarchical societies,
This is incorrect for several reasons.
First, the survivor bias. Sumerians, for example: we have their records because it was clay tablets. This required a massive specialized class of scribes, because everyone else was illiterate. Same with Egypt. Same with all of them. The end result is that, without massive specialization--which you only get through urbanization, because you cannot have a large swath of the population that doesn't grow food unless it lives close enough to one that does--you don't get a written record of ancient civilizations.
Second, there is a matter of scale that you continue to ignore completely. You cannot have a king for a nation-state as large as the US.
Third, what we actually have from the ancients is a family structure that does not currently exist.
Last, you confuse "hierarchies" with "monarchy and hereditary titles and knights and shit". Offices have a hierarchy, but it's not hereditary and is tied (in a good company, anyway) to performance, and in a small company is tied almost entirely to who is willing to put in the effort to make sure something gets done. You are arguing in favor of a thing no one argues against (hierarchy as a concept) and then drawing an imaginary line from there to "feudalism" and then circling "feudalism" in red ink and scrawling "QED" under the circle. the_savage_mind--claude_levi-strauss.pdf