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@Forestofenchantment @get @yomiel idk what yall talking about i just got this score in balala
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@yomiel @get @twl FINE. The Modern Warfare and first Black Ops were good, but any Wip3out game past three sucked ass. Haven't played any other game on your list, as I have fully indulged in my philosophy and only play 90s DOS and PSX games.
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@Forestofenchantment @get @twl
There are probably more games I could name.
Call of Juarez and CoJ gunslinger
all Wipeout games
cs:go was alright near release (pre microtransactions)
GTA V is sorta good but too linear. the open world single player is good though.
CoD 4 and WaW where decent.
minecraft is pretty decent too.
MGR and anything by platinum
arkham asylum
left 4 dead
dead space
If we're counting VN's both steins gate and MLA came out post-2005 too.
and how could i forget: peggle
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@yomiel @get @twl Fine. Hitman: Blood Money and GTA 4 were good. But the rest of those are ass (haven't played them).