Musk is about to, in broad daylight, cancel Verizon's $2.4bn FAA contract and just give it to Starlink, his own company.
Absolutely bonkers.
Musk is about to, in broad daylight, cancel Verizon's $2.4bn FAA contract and just give it to Starlink, his own company.
Absolutely bonkers.
@selzero Verizon gave $1m to Trump for his inauguration, so…
@Arthur_500 the details are those things are not being evaluated by anyone other than the person that owns one of the companies.
Is it more cost effective? Is it better service? What are the details?
@Arthur_500 erm.
In these cases were the other companies CEOs the ones that got to decide which company should get the contract????
If so that's just as horrific.
Why not?
The Biden Administration recently cancelled a large contract with one of Musk's companies only to replace it with a contract that offered lower quality at higher price.
Canada has recently decided to do the same because they don't like Trump.
If my taxpayer money is going to be spe3nt, I want it spent well and I don't really care who owns the company.
What we are getting is a critical piece of information
Your hatred for an individual seems to block the key point.
What are we getting at what price?
During Trump's first term there were expensive events that were held in oddball locations because no one wanted to use the Trump Hotel in DC that was already set up for the special needs of internation meetings.
Se we wasted money because we didn't want to appear like we were giving business to Trump.
Lay the facts on the table and let intelligent people decide.
@Arthur_500 you are either 8 years old or just have the intellectual capacity of an 8 year old. 🤷
Do you have a link to a source for this?
@dheadshot look at Musk's Twitter back and forth with a man called Mario Nawfal.
I'm just talking facts.
You don't even understand the basic concept of conflict of interest.
I don't have to "argue" with you I would have to educate you. That's not my job. I'm not The Stupid Whisperer.
If you would like an education my rates are £150 an hour. Please deposit 3 hours worth into escrow and we can set up an online class for you.
When you are incapable of intelligent arguments then you are just disemminating false information and hatred.
A False statement left unchallenged becomes acepted as truth.
I refuse to accept stupidity as truth.
If you can show me the argument then I can be persuaded. As long as you simply hate someone/ something, you should be ashamed of yourself.
Like I said. Put your cash in escrow if you want to be educated. Otherwise I have no time for you.
Read the documents. The Biden Administration initiated these contracts. I'm sure the Biden Administration, who cancelled other contracts because they didn't like Musk, didn't see any conflict of interest.
On this line of thinking, no government employee should be allowed to vote as it would be a conflict of interst.
I'd like to learn more3 about the class you wish to provide. Obviously it is not in critical thinking, nor is in contrct law. Please elucidate.
@Arthur_500 I do not have an "argument" with you because you are a lightweight with nothing to offer.
You don't understand what conflict of interest means and you are twisting yourself into pretzels to defend a billionaire that wouldn't spit on you if you were burning.
I'm almost 50 years old and have never voted Democrat in my life. Not once. Your primitive brain is arguing against a straw man you invented.
I'm not even arguing with you. Run and go play.
That's because you have nothing to teach. You hve no arguments. ou are a bullshitting self- important moron. This is why I took the time to call you out.
In stead of offering intelligent arguments you have just said i know nothing.
You have been given the opportunity to teach but all you have is name calling. You are obviously BlueCry material.
So says a socialist with no idea who socialism could possibly work.
Stupid people need to be called out for their sutpidity. Deniz Opal takes knuckle dragging to a new low.
More idiocy.
Socialism works every single day thank you. It is delicious and we want more.
Run and go play.
My goodness you are clueless.
And you have so far not accepted to pay for an education, so you are wasting my time.
Please go find a billionaire to pander to and leave me alone.
Please explain how socialism wo0rks. You are the queen of intelligence so by all means explain to the minions.
How can you give away everything?
How can everyone be equal? Obviously, without any substance, you claim you are far superior to my intellect and yet you claim we are equal.
Is there a problem with a billionaire? What might it be? Is it the jobs they provide? Is it the services they provide? Is it the taxes they pay for your socialism you hate?
Actually I enjoy making a BluCry person show your stupidity as you have no level of intelligent argumentation.
@Arthur_500 @ezmyrelda Arthur is too stupid to understand Socialism is not incompatible with markets and profit.
He ignores the Scandinavian model.
He will say "it's not real Socialism"
Because he is stupid.
We will say "We just want more of what the Scandinavians have" he will deflect.
We can talk about weekends, paid holidays, workers rights etc etc. he can't get it.
He doesn't have the capacity.
Do something productive with your time. Don't waste it on Arthur.
What does socialism have to do with people's need to be fed, clothed, etc? If you don't understand socialism then you shouldn't be promoting it.
People have to profit in order to thrive.
If I cannot profit then I cannot be helpful to those who have less.
Being helpful to those in need must be done by everyone. If government 'cares' for people then those in need will remain in need.
@Arthur_500 @selzero so socialism is bad? Why? Because people need to be fed, clothed, and sheltered? He fucking annihilated you.. you only give a shit that it looks like you got good value by Elon fucking us to the benefit of himself.. if you can’t see Elon Musk is a tier 1 societal leech you’re even stupider than he imagines.
You cannot give away everything or you will starve to death. When you are dead, you cannot help others.
Being fed clothed and sheltered comes from a successful society in which there is excess - i.e. profit.
A profitable idea hired employees and they can provide for themselves rather than beg for scraps. And who would they beg form? If there is not profit then there is nothing to share.
@Arthur_500 @selzero “How can you give away everything?”
By being a fucking decent society.. people don’t HAVE to profit.
Arthur I'm going to give you a chance.
A simple question.
If you have a simple logical answer to it, I don't have to agree, it just has to be consistent and logical.
I'll agree you are smart enough and engage with you. Ok?
Here it is.
Since perfect competition is a prerequisit of a market, and supernormal profits must be stamped out to create a fair market.
Then how do you justify the existence of billionaires.
@ezmyrelda @Arthur_500 if you scroll up the thread you'll see he really is a moron.
He doesn't even understand what conflict of interest is.
Probably an 8 year old.
@Arthur_500 @selzero “People have to profit in order to thrive.”
Fucking why you moron? You ass backwards turd.
@selzero @Arthur_500 I do.. but sometimes I can’t help myself… Check out what I do to be productive. and
@MishaVanMollusq @ezmyrelda no loss. @Arthur_500 is a typical idiot that likes to try to drag you down to his level so he can have a shouting match with his brain dead TV talking points. You are better off.
@ezmyrelda @selzero
Who can say?
@MishaVanMollusq @selzero Huh… I wonder if I touched a nerve with the admin..
@selzero @ezmyrelda
I think arthur is being deleted
@MishaVanMollusq @selzero how do? I blocked him and wasted his admins time.. just to be spiteful. I don’t know what happened last..
@Arthur_500 @ezmyrelda because he isn't a rival operating in the same space, and he didn't give the contract to his own company.
You still won't understand you are an idiot.
Saying that. I'm perfectly happy for Biden to go to jail if he did commit any crimes.
You still have not explained how the Biden administration giving a Musk company a contract is a confilct of interest for Musk.
"There is no such thing as super normal profits"
I'll stop reading from here if you don't mind. I have no time for idiots.
There is no such thing as supernormal profits. YOur premise is flawed.
Capitalism provides products people want at prices they are willing to pay. Competition seeks to provide better products at lower prices or otherwise differentiate those offerings.
A Billionaire may make the same amount as a Mom & Pop but due to scale is able to get a larger return. That billionaire then invests their money into additonal companies benefitting even more people.
@Arthur_500 @ezmyrelda I'm going to give you one more out Arthur. Maybe you are not an idiot. Maybe you know something I don't know.
If "there is no such thing as super normal profits" then the classical model of economics, demand and supply curves, Philips curve, etc etc all fall apart.
So you have a new economic model that replaces the classical economic model that doesn't break with super normal products. Please share it with us.!
Honestly Arthur if you have a new model that is better than the classical model I'll write it up for you (I had a 15 year career as an economist/analyst in the world's major banks) and it WILL win the Nobel Prize.
The Nobel Prize is worth $1 million. We can go 50/50 on it? Deal?
"Weekends, holidays, helathcare, etc, were all from the capitalist taking care of their employees."
Jookkeeeessss 🤣
Ah yes, ignorant people always speak of the scandinavian model without understand wht they are speaking about.
Scandiavian countries are capitalist countries with high taxes for healthcare, for example. But it is the capitalise that provides the money.
Unions have been around for hundreds of years. They benefit few at the expense of many. Weekends, holidays, helathcare, etc, were all from the capitalist taking care of their employees.
Educate yourself.
I'm going to leave this here for you. You won't understand it though. It doesn't have many pictures and uses big words.
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