The US is more reliant on satellite technology for war than any other country. Not only will this make it difficult, if not impossible, to launch anything for generations, it will interfere with our military's use of satellite communications with a layer of reflective trash encircling the planet.
Not counting property damage and dead people on the ground from launch debris crashing back to earth across the globe.
Not counting the same from larger pieces of space trash de-orbiting when the breakup begins.
Read this. Elon Musk is actively destroying our country with the blessing of the Russian-controlled Republican party and its gangster god.
Democrats are playing gotcha games with actual, living and breathing, domestic enemies of the Constitution.
There are no patriots in uniform with bars on their chests in this corporation of would-be slave owners masquerading as a country. But there sure are a lot of angry people with guns. The enraged voters I saw in videos of town hall meetings displayed more courage to speak truth to power than any general or admiral with the ability to stop this in an instant has once displayed in this crisis.
Pick the goddamned instant and make it snappy, or there won't be allies left to help. There will be fascists barking orders dictated by the Kremlin, as relayed through its American stooges.
#KesslerSyndrome #Kessler #Elon #SpaceX #debris #Musk #Russia #Republicans #Trump #Democrats #constitution #ConstitutionalCrisis