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I am very serious. In the three to four years of switching fully to White Nationalism, nothing has made me more cynical about the efficacy, morality, and future of most current White Nationalist movements and White Nationalism itself then interacting with many other "fellow" White Nationalists on Gab and on here.
Needless to say, many of you need Jesus, the real Jesus and not the Jesus of your own making.
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@SuperSnekFriend Verging close to the meme there.
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@WTFPurpleAlpaca >it's not me and others who are at fault. It's you for pointing out how wicked we are.
>Bio has that one stupid Voltaire quotation that is not even his actual words
Turn to Christ and live.
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@WTFPurpleAlpaca @branman65 >The Gospel is "word salad"
God will not be mocked on Judgement Day. Whites will die as a race if they do not repent of apostasy. Turn to Christ and live.
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@WTFPurpleAlpaca @SuperSnekFriend lol find Christ lolbert
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@branman65 @SuperSnekFriend >Irrelevant buzzword-salad insult related to nothing and only serves the purpose of stirring up pointless infighting
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@WTFPurpleAlpaca @SuperSnekFriend >voltaire fan
just because the gay niggers are banging White dudes doesn't mean it's based
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@branman65 @SuperSnekFriend Thank you but I didn't ask for your pron preferences?
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@WTFPurpleAlpaca @doctorsex >me calling people like you out means I'm a bad faith state actor
1. You are a newfag shitting up the place. The first time we interacted with each other is today and you immediately give me the "bad actor" card despite me being active on Poast consistently for two years, with more or less friendliness with others. Learn your place and lurk two years before posting.
2. You don't know me and what I believe about the future of Whites. That post is not a "Woe is us Whites! We're all gonna die..." cry. That post is a "You NJP/Internet WN people are so insufferable and immoral that you are making me question if a Christian like myself ought associate with any kind of White nationalism, let alone himself being one..." post.
3. Dismal outlook of White nationalism =/= Dismal outlook for White Race and its subgroups.
For the record, I do not have a dismal view of the White race in general or of Americans and Southerns in particular, and I believe this age of apostasy among Whites and anti-White assault will be over in this age and not merely the age to come, which is already when Whites will be at their very best with White Christian perfected and glorified. Again, you don't really know me and what I believe about the future of Whites.
4. No matter the case, Christ brings divisions with the Gospel, but you must obey its calling or else. It is Christ and His Kingdom above all kin and interests. Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and the preservation of your people will come to you. Turn to Christ and live.
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Where did I do that?
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@doctorsex @SuperSnekFriend Sorry, meant Snek's OP.
I'm sensing we're (me, you guys) having two completely different conversations about two entirely different things.
See I'm pointing out a post Snek made looks an awful lot like a demoralization/infighting post on the surface of it. Which you know, is probably best avoided. You guys are shadow-boxing a strawman based off something you're rustled over.
If I may suggest based off of guessing what you guy's problem is (my fucks to give are minimal, but we're all nice here), maybe perhaps curate your timelines better? Not sure what else can be done, but for the record I'm not seeing whatever heinous shit has got you guys worked up to the point of flinging every buzzword insult at anything that moves in the hopes something sticks, and you achieve catharsis. It sounds like a very much you problem and thus a you solution. Best of luck with that and peace out.
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Out of curiosity, is it more or less compelling than "any slight disagreement is a part of some shill disinfo/demoralization op"?
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@doctorsex @SuperSnekFriend You literally posted a "It's so over, fellow Whites" post.
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> could it be that people find my ghoulish and antisocial tendencies offputting?
>no, they must be shills, that's the only possible explanation!
Meds. Now.
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@doctorsex @SuperSnekFriend Compelling.