@kaia payment processors literally don't allow this and frequently apply debanking preassure to sites like tumblr until they caved, even onlyfans has to shuffle their charges over a dozen different networks instead of just dealing directly with mastercard or visa
@kaia@i Depending on the platform my guess would be moderation. Pornhub has had a serious problem with it and I recently saw someone who realized the only way to get them to act on the problem is by putting them at risk of losing the ability to process credit card payments. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9J7187j4PO4&t=769s
porn is designated as a high risk no matter the operating procedure or chargeback rates, that's also why 4chan can't get any good ad's even when they tried to pretend to be two different companies with 4channel, because even a tiny bit poisons the entire river of revenue downstream in how the cash is rated
sorta like how every home loan was rated AAA, before 2008 showed what happens when you let the sector look the other way