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:alert: Nomination thread :alert:
In the thread below pick at least 5 operators (if you're familiar with the game/character feel free to pick a few more) in order of favorite to least favorite of the 5 (for seeding purposes later on). This thread will stay open for nominations for about a week.
Post your picks like so, (with a line spacing in between your nominations and any other text):
1. Amiya 2. Blaze 3. Cliffheart 4. Ch'en 5. W
Feel free to post any sort of art or comments you wish in support of a certain girl, etc. Just make sure you post your nominations like the example above so it's easier for me to find it.
"Alter" operators, (Wisadel, in comparison to W; Skadi the Corrupting Heart in comparison to Skadi; or the Guard and Medic versions of Amiya), will be treated as one choice since they are the same character. See the second pic:
Also there are a few operators that are not eligible to compete, (due to being crossover characters or not being released yet on the Global server), that have been crossed out in red in the first posted picture.
If you have any questions please ask.
Use this link to view a list of all female operators with a bit of biographical info on them if you click on their profile and go to the Misc tab: