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Aella was the only good investment.
Ask me why.
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@VikingWays Adams really hosed himself twice by getting gassed up by e-fame and thinking that he was smarter than he actually was.
Not only did he get fagcinated but he married an instathot and promptly got divorce raped within a short amount of time.
His continued existence is its own punishment
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I mean Dilbert cartoons, while benign had some office humor that would make you smirk. Out of that pile of refuse you listed, I prefer him to the rest of those grifters and fags. At least he said you can't live around blacks, which is a next level of grift poast I guess. And by prefer, he gets to stay and serve as a jester.
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@VikingWays Lindsay is one of those fags like Shapiro, pure astroturf, came out of nowhere. Dilbert Man had Dilbert before he pivoted. Even Thernobich had his prior PUA grifts.
It was pretty obvious
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@judgedread @GrungeQueef She gave a whole bunch of White female mid 6s and 7s the impression that they, too could become OnlyFans millionaires by whoring themselves out, while enslaving a bunch of high functioning male simps and poisoning their minds
Good psyop investment
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They should hire a handful of us noticers to go onto 'x' and play a game called "find the USAIDS poster". James Lindsay glowed like chernobyl.
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@TrevorGoodchild His opener was brutal. Paraphrased: For the first time I spoke to women without any ulterior sexual motive and soon realized they were all vapid amoral idiots.
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@judgedread Heartiste made the same point in a kinder way. Paraphrased: learning how to crack the femael matrix code so that you can easily get laid just makes you disheartened as a man and not want to engage in casual sex at all
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@dogslurp @VikingWays Would have been very similar to what Dave Sim did with the 'Cerebus' comic, also caused by Dave's disenchantment with the fairer sex
That would have been something
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@TrevorGoodchild Those who weren't there have no idea what a shock it was to the left - which was basically 95% of indie comics fandom - when Sim turned sex realist.
Indie comics were all about the sexual revolution, drugs, anarchy, elf orgies and ninja turtles. Sim's truth was as welcome as the plague.
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@judgedread A Canadian ahead of his time
No man a prophet in his own Western land
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@VikingWays @TrevorGoodchild He really should've redeemed himself by turning the strip into Dark Dilbert. The guy's got a lot of anger and he could've worked it out in the funny pages instead of turning the joke on himself.
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Oh he got divorce raped? Man that guy can't get out of his own way, so all those years of Dilbert cartoon profits, gone, reduced to atoms on some slut.