Anyone with Ansible/AWX experience accessing HTTP APIs on protected networks?
I have tried documentation, the global web and chat with colleagues. Time to bring on the fedi human search.
Using ansible on switches that require you to come from a protected network is easy, you set up your ssh command to go through a jumphost. Accessing switches or firewalls that use an HTTP API is easy, you use a package that talks to the HTTP API, probably using the httpapi package.
But an HTTP API where you need to come from a protected network? Manually it's easy, just `ssh -D` to a jumphost/bastion in the right network and tell curl to use a SOCKS proxy.
On the Ansible side though, I can't find the right place to get httpapi to go through a SOCKS proxy, and I'm not sure where's the best place to run that ssh command.
Has anyone on Fedi already solved this problem?