@GreenFire Not surprised... most of the protest-propaganda came from overseas.... a lot of it from Russia... It was a skillfully enacted voter suppression campaign... Only because most Americans were too stupid to see through it.
@ChrisWere I want voter reform as much as the next guy, but not enough that I would refuse to acitvely oppose putting a nazi-rapist-felon in the whitehouse.
Sometimes the lesser of two evils is quite a lot less fucking evil.
@ChrisWere No, ignorant people can't be taught...That's the nature of ignorance. The sad part is that the idiots who didn't vote this time around are the ones who are going to get the most hurt by MAGA policies..
We can only hope that they all get round up and sent to the camps first so that we can rebuild society unimpeded by their stupidity.
@ShredderFeeder@ChrisWere Ignorant people can be taught so I shouldn't have called them ignorant since they really don't seem to want to learn.
And Chris, we've long ago learned that the hard left will never like us Democrats because every time we manage to get progressive policies passed into law they still do not vote for us. Rather they then just move the goal posts once again.
@GreenFire uninformed people can be taught, ignorant people can't.
They've chosen ignorance. This will not change. I'm going to watch their worlds get torn down and at this point probably won't give half a fuck. We're a straight, white, couple out of childbearing age. I will survive...
I'm tired of fighting for people who can't be bothered to fight for themselves.
@ChrisWere Sure, but that just demonstrates an ignorance of the American political and legal system since mandatory voting would require a constitutional amendment which is just not in the cards now while the actual voting electorate is so evenly split and the GOP, who do not want all Americans to vote, have the advantage.
So, bringing up these impossible "solutions" only further encourages people to not vote blue and that's the only possible route we have to get progress on so many issues.
@ChrisWere It would be funny to get lectured from foreigners about how my government and politics works were it not for all of the damage y'all have done to my country and potentially to many, many people around the globe.
You can hate Kamala Harris all you want to, but to consider that Trump is better at being POTUS than she would have been because she wasn't nice enough to the rioters and such yelling at her just has to be described as being stupid.
@ChrisWere For your information because you say I'm so rude that it's not surprising so many Americans didn't vote blue, I haven't asked anyone to vote for me for decades.
@ChrisWere Why should I be empathetic to people who aren't even empathetic enough to cast a vote in order to help protect the planet and people I care about?
You just want to put all the blame for everything onto us Democrats and give everyone else a pass which should seriously cause you to do a lot of introspection.
@ChrisWere Yes, I get it. You want to blame the people who tried to stop the spread of fascism and give a pass to the people who did nothing towards stopping it.
I think that explains why we can't see eye to eye on the subject. Good luck in the UK over the next few years anyways, cheers though since we've clearly come to an impasse on the subject on the civic duty of casting a vote in a democratic society.