@mekkaokereke interestingly enough, over on another social network, with my non-coffee account, I made a post about how all Americans made the bed they've chosen to lie in, and now have to find out what that's going to be like for the next four years, and basically, you brought this upon yourselves...
and oh my did I hear back from a lot of extreme left wing people super pissed with me. How I should have sympathy for them. How I should not laugh at their predicament. How I was a fascist too, for saying what I did.
One particular misguided type even admitted they didn't vote for Harris, but voted third party (in Oregon), and how dare I say their vote counted towards Trump's win.
Right now, Americans have only one option: they need to stand up and fight. By "fight" I mean follow MLK's modus and forcefully but peacefully protest. Non violent protests. Mass strikes. Mass disruptions. Circus Clown's limo driving through town? Get 10,000 people to stage a sit in and block the route. Stage sit ins at congresspeople and senator offices. En masse.
Rage posting on social media? As Cocaine Jr. likes to say: "that's a nothingburger".