@BowsacNoodle That number seems low. That's once ever three seconds, assuming it's only used once per post. Per the first search result, according to a blog post that cites but doesn't link to some research by Internet Live Stats and the GDelt Project, the average number of messages posted to Twitter is about 9,600 per second. (Not reliable figures, but good enough for the back of the envelope; figures from 2013 had about 5,800 per second, so it seems close enough.) This would mean that "faggot" only appears in about one per 29,000 posts.
(Based on my experience with fedi and basically every public area of the internet, it's probably about two dozen guys that just post it continuously.)
Twitter's, what, 70% English-language posts? 50%? If we say 50%, we're still at only about one per 15k posts. Are they counting variants? Either way, like...2.6 million per 75 billion isn't that impressive. prancinglalahomoman.png
@BowsacNoodle Well, sure, I'm just trying to figure out *how* much of a slow news day it must have been at the Atlantic for "people call each other fags on the internet" to be a headline.
:lumbergh: We need you to shit on Elon again today. :chotchkies: We can't shit on Elon's H1B thing because of our own staffing policies so...hey, does anyone have data on word usage on Twitter?
That was back when you could still use the Firehose API so they probably had reliable numbers.
It is kind of an entertaining piece of hand-wringing:
> A new website, launched last week, is just that sort of tool. In real time, NoHomophobes.com monitors homophobic language on Twitter -- specifically the terms "faggot," "so gay," "no homo," and "dyke" -- and the results, rendered in all their infographic-style glory, are, well, let's put it this way: They don't make you feel awesome about the world.
> As you can see in the graphic above, the word "faggot" alone has been tweeted more than 2.6 million times since July 5. The site's interactive chart lets you look at different timeframes and compare the various terms. But that's just the EKG of the bigotry. Below it is where you can really see the homophobia: a constantly scrolling stream of tweets containing all those terms, pulled in via the API, such as this gem, randomly selected from the hundreds and hundreds that have poured down the page as I wrote this piece: "i don't know why but i think it looks so gay when guys drink star bucks lol". Yeah. Hahaha. Lol.
@p Thanks man. I didn't look into it at all and just posted the screenshot because it's real because it's a screenshot and it's funny. Good to know it's wildly wrong and probably on the low end. Ghislaine has some nice cans I'm surprised. :boobs:
> Good to know it's wildly wrong and probably on the low end.
Nobody knows any more. If Twitter let people have the firehose, they couldn't sell their watered-down analysis of the filtered data to advertising giants.