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Cc: @elftummy
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@lykanthrocide @tyler @wingedhussar My mention of cynocephaly was meant as a funny example from history where people believed that something distinctly non-human can still [at least pretend to] be Christian the same way people think non-Whites today (which I argue are distinctly non-human) can still [at least pretend to] be Christian.
As for why Whites are descended from Adam but not non-Whites I thought I had made myself clear about how the genetic evidence disproves this but to reiterate:
All humans (White people) have common ancestry which we can see through the genetic evidence AS WELL AS archaeological & anthropological evidence. We can trace it back to the yamnaya (Aryans) who descend from Adam & Eve
Other non-human humanoids were created with the rest of the animals. Our ancestry does not intermingle (except at the periphery ex: Mexicans)
In summary our ancestry is a mighty oak sprouting from the seed of Adam. Other kinds of trees exist in the forest, and our branches may occasionally brush, but they are not oak trees, and they will never be an oak tree
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@tyler @wingedhussar @lykanthrocide Many early Christians believed in the existence of cynocephaly - humanoids with the heads of dogs
And they believed that they could be Christians
I think certainly the non-humans of today can mime & mote being Christian but lacking a soul they cannot in the same way "be saved"
And I've spoken many times on the fact that most non-human "Christians" are Christian in name only and actually practice pagan/totemic/shamanistic religions with stolen Christian names, images, and themes
Example: Mexicans reverence for Santa Muerte
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@elftummy @tyler @wingedhussar cynocephaly was a remnant of Greek tradition and predates the official arrival of the Gospel in Greece. You still have yet to demonstrate, Biblically or otherwise, how it follows that only "whites" (whatever that means) can claim descent from Adam.
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@lykanthrocide @wingedhussar I'm driving so it's taking a while to make a proper response:
The second question is quicker to answer: no, a miscegenated child of a human and a non-human cannot have a soul In the same way that if a man were able to breed with a horse the centaur would not have a soul. This goes for every single Mexican on the planet as well.
> Biblical evidence
See Genesis 1:
>[27] So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
>[28] And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.
If you take the Bible literally he created one man: Adam, and one woman from him: Eve. And all humanity would descend from them. There is no reasonable explanation how aboriginals could exist from this Genesis. Even if you take it less literally and believe that God created man (plural, as in a race of men or mankind) you still run into the same issue wherein the genetic differences between human groups and non-human groups like sub-Saharan Africans, East Asians, etc cannot be explained
It is impossible to be a Christian and also believe that non-Whites are the same as us. These two beliefs are counter to each other. The only way that these two beliefs can coincide is if you Believe that
1a The Bible is wrong and God actually created every different kind of humanoid In his image somehow
1b there was some sort of magical super evolution that occurred to " evolve" humanoids as disgusting and retarded as say the Aboriginal
2 there exists a grand conspiracy involving All of DNA science for all time which for some reason seeks to show that White people have less DNA in common with other humanoid groups than they do with monkeys or apes
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I don't have time this morning to have a conversation about it, but I have seen members of the lower races be or get saved, however, the ones that have, have almost always been of an higher admixture.
I understand the "they're just animals that look human" perspective for some of the more extreme humanoids such as aboriginals and the creatures from the deepest parts of the congo. Incapable of coherent speech, incapable of articulating understanding of basic logical processes, hopeless, empty humanoid shells devoid of mercy or love.
As far as an explanation of where they came from, after the flood there was only Noah and his family and the beasts aboard. But every variant of every species of beast wasn't aboard either. So by that logic, that's evidence that God of course can, but has changed the genetics of beasts, obviously he can change the genetics of man to make these abos. He did the same thing to the serpent in the garden.
Idk man it's interesting
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@wingedhussar @lykanthrocide 1 the modern concept of "races" is mostly pseudoscience based on faulty communist nonsense that arose from the French revolution
All humans (White people) descend from one group that was created by God. These are the Aryans. However modern anthropologists typically refer to them as yamnaya. The various flavors of White arise due In part to our migration back and forth across Eurasia, North Africa, and the Middle East, as well as adapting to the various biomes where our people have lived
2 as I said non-Whites are not human - They were not created by God In his image, but rather they were created with the rest of the animals and we have been entrusted with their stewardship. They are humanoid certainly, that is to say they are featherless bipeds, but they are completely dissimilar to us and lack the capacity to be ensouled.
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@elftummy @wingedhussar @wingedhussar @lykanthrocide
> non-Whites are not human - They were not created by God In his image, but rather they were created with the rest of the animals and we have been entrusted with their stewardship. They are humanoid certainly, that is to say they are featherless bipeds, but they are completely dissimilar to us and lack the capacity to be ensouled.
I don't think I've ever heard such an opinion phrased this way. How did you come to this conclusion? What Biblical evidence is there for it?
Also, how does that account for a mixed race person, e.g. a person with a Russian parent and an aboriginal parent? Do you hold that such a person can have a soul?
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@lykanthrocide @elftummy 1. Please review this DNA map. Thankfully since we are different species, there are identifiable genetic markers that are associated with the various European genomes.
2. They are a different species. A humanoid that did not progress to the next evolutionary step due to physical limitations and lack of environmental necessity.
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@lykanthrocide @elftummy I actually found a more detailed map to account for our Mediterranean friends who founded modern human society.
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@lykanthrocide if I drove for Lyft and I saw a human woman that size I'd pick her up
But she's a nigger so she's not getting anywhere near me
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@elftummy @lykanthrocide I'd cram her in there if she was white
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@wingedhussar @lykanthrocide Yes that's what human means; non-Whites can't be human
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2 questions:
1. What specific races qualify as "white"?
2. If those who do not qualify are not human, then what are they?