This is a blatant effort to get career people to leave so #Trump can replace them with loyalists. And, given his track record in his own business dealings, it’s not hard to imagine him looking for a way to renege once people are out.
Very true, and even though I had expected most of this, it is something else to see the ("separately") expected speed with which #Project2025 progresses, all in parallel...
I can give kudos to the #OrangePeril for one thing only: his stamina at his age.
I did not see the reclaiming of the #PanamaCanal, #Canada as the 51st US state (;)), and the #GreenlandPurchase (or else) coming, though, I have to admit.
True, however the carrying-out is breathtaking. Granted, #Hitler was similary swift in 1993, even without #SocialMedia, the internet, and global communications. Today, there are so many more people involved.
PS: For those of you for whom #AmericaFirst does not ring an alarm bell:
I guess, I was too young, but yes, #Reagan did talk a lot about the canal.
However, it was a pipedream even back then in 1977:
"It is possible that the canal could be defended against a hostile Panamanian population, backed by guerrillas from other Latin American countries, but the Joint Chiefs of Staff say it would take over 100,000 men, ..."
"Although the border was reopened within a matter of days, once again, the shutdown severely hurt the border economy – as well as relations between the two countries."