@Terry Our crap-SCOTUS ruled the Illegals "must" get free education. But would be awesome to see Trump's 2016 promise kept ...
> Immigration law doesn't exist for the purpose of keeping criminals out (Obama's "Bad Hombres"). It exists to protect all aspects of American life. >The work site, the welfare office, the education system, and everything else. That is why immigration limits are established in the first place.
>If we only enforced the laws against crime ("Bad Hombres"), then we have an open border to the entire world. >We will enforce all of our immigration laws. >In a Trump Administration, all immigration laws will be enforced. >Will be enforced.
... but, so far, just Obama's "Bad Hombres," again.
@PopulistRight the memes are funny but yeah this is pretty much all hype. A few thousand of the most violent offenders will be deported, along with a handful of non violent ones for good measure until such time as the deep state figures out a way to shut all of this down.
At which point the damage will have already been done. You can show your average normie con all the graphs and figures you like until you're blue in the face and it will wash off them like water on a raincoat because they'll still remember the photos of the chained beaners being frog marched onto the C-17.
@Terry@PopulistRight they should be dumped in the gulf of america. we dont want them, they do nothing for wherever they came from by the very nature of who marauders are, and deportations just incentivize them to try again