Via @jayeless, an analysis of this week's tempest in the #IndieWeb. @chipotle's angle helped me see why I was initially taken aback by the tone of some of @adam's posts. I've always skewed 'genteel' and it's taken me nearly a lifetime to realise that's because I'd been domesticated by the colonisers. I'm probably always going to have that unconscious filter in front of me so I'm glad there are people like Adam who will be rude and shouty on behalf of his customers and community members who don't share his privilege.
> And to be clear, collaboration doesn’t require slapping on an armband and goose-stepping behind a demagogue. Nice people made the best Nazis, as Naomi Shulman wrote eight years ago:
>> My mother was born in Munich in 1934, and spent her childhood in Nazi Germany surrounded by nice people who refused to make waves. When things got ugly, the people my mother lived alongside chose not to focus on “politics,” instead busying themselves with happier things. They were lovely, kind people who turned their heads as their neighbors were dragged away.