@supersid333@Immahnoob@Moto_Chagatai@Ronnie21093 Yes, good. My point is that adding tags as you go (which I should start doing with song lyrics and manga other than shoujo) gives something to find when someone decides to go scanning.
That said, an index of known used tags would be handy. I believe pleroma even has that in some dark corner.
@Zergling_man@Immahnoob@Moto_Chagatai Unrelated, some of my pulls made me become aware that there is a funny Ro-Kyu-Bu! based standby deck and I'm gonna try and get the cards to build it IRL. I will defeat my enemy with swarms of Basketball lolis.
@supersid333 I see. Just that I've been watching videos on how to play the game since yesterday. The game seems interesting but I'm just collecting instead of investing for casual/serious gameplay because I don't see many people playing WS where I live (it's mostly either Magic or Yugioh)
@Moto_Chagatai There is a decent Weiss Schwarz community where I am so I've been getting back into it. If I can say nothing else about it, it's an incredibly swingy game since there aren't any consistent ways to avoid damage. Even having tanky units on board only ensures you can swing back a little harder since player damage resolves before battle power is calculated to see which card dies.
@Moto_Chagatai If I could bother remembering the name of that digital sim, we could always play some games sometimes. I remember @Zergling_man having a passing interest of learning one of the times we were chatting too. I'm sure @Immahnoob wouldn't mind being dragged into a random card game fight club either.
@Moto_Chagatai Theoretically you could build a better deck by mixing, but the only real format played these days is Neo-Standard where you can only explicitly play within sets locked in by series.