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fucked up south korea why cant you just pay your woman equally? smh, i could never imagine living in such a country
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Well you want your statistics to be somewhat accurate and not totally misleading.The reason they get condensed down is always to mislead and portray a narrative. Sadly it's always a victim-hood narrative instead of narratives of pride and respect.
Your graph is entirely misrepresentation a complex issue. In the United States, the wage gab for like-for-like jobs is only ~7%. And the primary reason for that is women tend to not ask for as much money as men when negotiating salary. You get the number larger by including house wives who don't work and also not matching like-for-like jobs (e.g. a high school teacher's salary and a chemists, just because they're both women).
When it comes to retail, hospitality, and almost all unskilled jobs, men and women are literally paid the same because it's the fucking law. When employers don't, it turned into massive lawsuits and PR nightmares.
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@djsumdog statistics isnt 100% accurate theres a reason we condense it down before looking indvidiaully at every single job and position ever made
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The graph is kinda useless unless you compare like-for-like. What's the average difference between a Korea Male and Female doctor, or a Male and Female hotel manager? I bet it's not very different.
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@djsumdog south korea has one of the lowest marriage and birth rates in the world those woman are in the workforce
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These numbers include women who chose not to work, so it includes women who make literally $0/year.
What's interesting is S Korea's fertility rate is through the toilet, so a bunch of that number has to be stay at home mom's who are taking care of 1 (or zero) children.
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