@Bobbins I wonder if the problem is largely the idea that everything orbits around “the industry”, when actually the “industry” part is just one slice. The only slice some people care about, especially the C-Suites. But you could entirely ditch the industry part and there would still be games, because ultimately people make stuff because they want to (also why they put up with shit conditions to do it as a living). So the industry is the disposable part & should sit the hell down
These “state of the industry” reports aren’t for us. This guy’s job is to tell C Suite it’s the world outside that’s got it all wrong and writes thousands of words about that, has graphs to prove it. It’s not for human consumption. It’s corporate toxic waste. It’s built on the intrinsic belief that we are all in competition with each other.
It’s poison.
Going for a big old swim in it is against all medical advice.
Also. I cannot handle the doomerism. Folks looking for stuff to go “oh god, it’s bad, it’s so bad, we’re so very fucked” all the time and scaring themselves witless with numbers and passing round scary looking graphs with all the context removed, just numbers going up or down, no meaning, nothing to divine from or work with, no relationship to people’s experiences.
I know normal people don’t spend 20 odd years thinking about the stuff I do and fair enough but *I can’t live like that*.
Oh god, it’s just dawned on me that the reason people think 220 slides aimed at investors and telling CEO’s they’re doing a good job, it’s everything else that’s at fault is aimed at them is because they really think they’re swimming in the same pool.