@Zonz@p@sourcreampringles_SoundCloud yeah that certainly plays into it. They were bottling up their emotions and all it takes is some piece of art like this song.
Also, I think most suicidal people have been contemplating it for a while, and are just looking for outlets to cry for help. They would have posted this on any other melancholy song.
Either way you don't just out-of-the-blue say something like that. It was simmering for a while in your head, even if it wasn't so explicit or concrete a thought.
RDJ has a way of really digging into your head with his music, I don't know what is so ungodly beautiful about that track, it is so very simple and not in any way ostentatious, but it has some absolutely stark gravitas that really resonates within myself and clearly many, many others. Like you said, I can see how it could be a catalyst for someone who has been simmering for awhile, it is very potent.