This is the best approach. Limit. And encourage people to un-follow. It will get bad at some point, and then there will be no choice but to defederate.
@tchambers Yes. Perfectly stated. This is the exact position taken here on
I will add one additional perspective.
Servers that claim they "block Threads" or "block Meta" are not blocking Threads or Meta. Neither Threads nor Meta have any interest in joining their servers. What they are doing is blocking people who opened accounts on Threads. They are saying that they don't want to have anything to do with those people, most of who never heard of the Fediverse.
The result is, when someone on Threads asks "what is the Fediverse", the answer is, a bunch of people who don't want to talk to us because they believe they are smarter and better than us. The reaction? The people on Threads will never in their lives consider joining the Fediverse because they think we're a bunch of pompous arrogant asses who think we're better than everyone else. We've lost them forever because Fediverse people refuse to talk to their kind. I have seen these conversations so often there. Personally, I think their response is expected and understandable.
I prefer people on Threads have an opportunity to meet people on the Fediverse and learn what the difference is, rather than to hate us because they think we hate them. For Heaven's sake, 99% of them don't even know the Fediverse exists. Now, thanks to the blockers, they won't care to find out anything about it. I wouldn't either.