@litherum That's not the issue at all. "Fact checking" is useless pandering to bothsidesism. They've been trying to get the press to frame the change as "stopping fact checking" but the actual change is that, not only have they dropped rules against hate speech, but the policy announcement document contains explicit, vile examples of hate speech they now allow, as a tutorial for how to structure your hate speech and ensure you don't get moderated/banned.
I guess what I’m saying is that I don’t understand the logic of “Facebook doesn’t do fact checking any more so I’m going to delete my Facebook account and use Mastodon instead”
I mean, obviously, I don’t *prefer* that people use Facebook. I just don’t understand the above logic.
@litherum@kainino0x@stilescrisis You get banned. Or if you're on an instance that considers that ok, your whole instance gets banned from most of the rest of the fediverse.
I guess if you, like, researched all the public mastodon server and, like, picked one with strict moderation rules, and, like didn’t follow anyone who wasn’t on that server, then I guess you’d have fact checking, or something?