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>next boss
>all of the above plus infinite 'legal' migrants and empire expansion for no good reason
In spite how absolutely destitute this country is right now we have Trump completely fucking blowing it before he's even in office.
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I think you mean, as long as people buy AWS services. Their retail has like a 1% profit margin. Sure it's the way most of the population knows about Amazon (I'm always surprised at how many people don't know about AWS, or how most of the Internet runs out of Amazon), but all their real profits come from AWS.
The pro-Trump people are really hard in now. I'm glad some people on fedi can see through it. Orange Man ain't Satin, but he's not Jebus either. I feel like the past 8 years has been one big WWF show with gimmicks, shticks and heals.
I'm not sure if BRICS is really going to be something or be another nothing burger. The US is competing for supremacy in what should be a multi-polar world. Americas light has burned a long time, but its spoken values are overshadowed by a military complex and by being the military wing of Israel.
Competition can be good and healthy. Crushing your competition to oblivion makes a world that's authoritarian and worse for everyone.
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@PunishedD @Bunsen @Eiswald @dictatordave As long as Amazon still exists and there are still some people who can buy from there, America still has credibility. Plus we haven't quite dedicated 100% of our GDP toward interest payments yet (we're getting there). Once that happens and the last few money shuffling tricks stop working, then the credibility will be gone.
Trump did a pretty good job of spending lots of money. I think Biden may have beaten him, not really sure, don't really care, but Trump round 2 is going to be all about the money printer going brrrr.
There are still a lot of people (entire nations) that give the US credibility because they don't have any other viable options. The BRICS talk may or may not go anywhere, but even if it does, it's a massive shift and the people who have been "all in" on the US their entire lives aren't going to be able to pivot so quickly.
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@Bunsen @Eiswald @dictatordave All zero of it, oh no.
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@dictatordave I'm deftly aware that all that this bullshit is political theatre. He's taken it a little too far though and it may not remain theatre since these antics are now tying up real life resources in the E.U. It really started specifically to deflect from the H-1B and 'legal' migration controversy which hasn't and isn't going away.
Musk gambled on Trump's personality cultists to just suck his cock and accept anything without question, he lost that bet and it's caused a flurry in the news cycle to make it go away.
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@Eiswald @dictatordave Musk and Trump will finish off America's credibility in the world.
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@Eiswald you realize all that greenland talk and shit is for lefties to hop around about being pissed off about nothing, right?
not saying he isn't a zio cuck or anything but dont fall into that kind of a/b testing nothingburger psyop, you're better than that