@pizzapal@pkw I guess you're doomed to be a polylang. Sorry to hear about the virus! Discrete fourier transforms are defined by (defun naieve-dft (l &key (sgn -1) &aux (len (length l))) "consing naieve dft of list. Computes all twiddle factors. :sgn +1 for inverse." (loop :for k :below len :collecting (loop :for n :below len :for w := (twiddle k n len :sgn sgn) :sum (* (nth n l) w)))) twiddles=(exp (* #C(0 1) sgn pi 2 k n (/ len))) But this turns out to be overdefined
Good thanks! I had covid, booo hiss! but i am better now yay! I've been going down C and scheme and janet language rabbit holes. I have a "language learning and then discarding" problem! :P
The cool thing is each iteration of this leaves a few langs at the top.
I think golang fell off that list and C has kind of taken it's place. I am surprised Python isn't on there, oh well (I still use it in maintenance mode).
I have been reading your fft posts (and not understanding them beyond knowing what a fft is :P)
@ramin_hal9001 though I was surprised when I got to the writer identifying that programming languages like Python are worse than other languages that have sophisticated handle-named-condition-and-keep-going systems. Someone should introduce that writer to lisp and moo. @pkw