Although I'm really not.
I have been in Diaspora for many years now. First in joindiaspora, then in Now that the latter is closing down, I have decided to make use of this old account I had here in I used to use this account to promote a music project I had, but that is long finished, so I am repurposing this account as my main Diaspora account now.
My interests lie in #language, not so much as in all the different languages of the world, but rather on the human capacity for language. #Linguistics is therefore a great interest of mine. #Science in general also interests me, and I am particularly interested in #astrophysics, although only as an amateur. I dabble in #philosophy as well, specially #HistoryOfPhilosophy and #PhilosophyOfScience. I will occasionally post #theories and #ideas I have about my own work or things I find interesting.
I also love listening to and playing #jazz. I have a jazz trio (link in profile) and I will occasionally post some of #MyWork
For the rest, you can expect the occasional #vegan #cooking post. I spend a lot of time in the kitchen.
And of course the daily #Wordle, #pedantle and #cemantle posts