Oh, there is a terrain generator here: https://hextoryworld.github.io/ProceduralHexTerrainGenerator/ I'll see if I can use that for what I need. It can spit out a png, and I could use that as a texture, and then sample the texture to figure out what type the hex is etc. I'll see if I can get that working.
I enjoy coding on stuff like this, because it makes me have to think a lot, about how I want to implement things. I added some procedural landscape for now ( a simple one that I asked AI for), and next is to add units on the map, make them select able and add code so that I can move them around.
Added some stuff tonight, added a basic procedural landscape generator.. Added highlight of tile under cursor, and when you click the tile you get info about it. Added pan and zoom. Tomorrow I'll work on adding units, and make them move with A* algorithm. Got enough done for today, I'm pleased. :)
Now that I have this hex grid thing (and units), I'll now make the units start distributed on the ground. Then when that's done - I'll switch things arounda bit. I want the player to start with a galaxy view, with planets. Then each planet has their own generated hex grid. You then start on one of the planets, and units are placed there. When you click the planet you should see the hexgrid for that planet, and when you got to the other view you should see the planets (also procedural).
As for gameplay - I want you to start stranded on the first planet, then work it all the way up to being able to have a colonizer ship (with lot's of things having to happen before you can build that), and once you have that then can use to colonize another planet and then work that one up as well etc.
But first things first - place some units, then add planets and their procedural landscape.
Hacking on my game tonight, added the first unit, it's now placed on a tile. I need to make some logic for selecting the unit, I have 'hex' selection done, but I also want to select units on a tile. So I'll make something for that next, once that's sorted I'll add A* movement to the unit, and have a setting for how many tiles it can move each turn. I also realize I need some map editor feature, and some way of saving the map, but that comes later, now I just use the same seed each time and the map stays the same between testing. I'm also a bit conflicted if I should make the game 3D or not, but I think I'll stick with 2D. It's not about the graphics - but game play for now. If I want to convert it over to 3D later on - then a lot of the things I do now can be used as well, so it's not wasted time to keep it simple for now.
Got unit selection done, the type of tile under cursor is printed, and the type of unit you selected is also printed (the little square is the unit, that's placed on a hex).. Is nice to have that sorted, next up - move the unit after selecting it, and then when turn has ended - reset the unit's action points.
Been working a bit on it again tonight. Fixed cmake script so that it compiles on windows (previously I only had linux version running). Also cleaned up a couple of things. Next is to add some movement to the unit, the trickiest part for now, so I look forward to get that part done now, that will make the other things come a long nicely.