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are you ready for this???
- Doughnut Lollipop 【記録係】:blobfoxgooglymlem: and snacks like this.
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@georgia i can hear the doom ost
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@snacks @georgia Please for the love of God, please can we have a demon invasion, PLEASE
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@druid @snacks God kills demons why would you invoke God for adharma
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@georgia @druid doom lore is whack
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@georgia @snacks God spawns demons too. The emanation of demons like Rakshasa is said to be from God and of course it is because all things come from God.
Our society is beyond adharmic already. If it were closer to the end of time I'd cheer for Kalki showing up but his arrival this early is pure cope.
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@druid @snacks and the demon Prahlada was a vibhuti. Myself I think that God won't leave humanity behind just because were not at the end of Kali Yuga yet. It is said that God will send Bhakti Yogis in the early years of Kali Yuga to promote righteousness. At this rate humanity will be destroyed without Gods help, so perhaps He/She will send more.
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@druid @snacks I'm literally not? I speak tentatively because I don't know God's will. Nothing can occur without God, not even a blade of grass can move, but its also true that people have free will, to an extent, and are responsible for their own actions. Just because they are The Self doesnt mean the Self performs their actions-- a wise man will see that he can even kill, and his Self does nothing.
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@georgia @snacks You're talking about Brahman as though it is a being with a single will, responsible for some actions in the world but not others, prone to emotive decision, grappling with the question of whether or not to intervene. It's like you're talking about Yahweh.
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@georgia I’m the other two seals, he’s coming over tomorrow
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@druid @snacks And if you think the existence of a transcendent and immutable Brahman negates the existence of Ishvara, of a personal God with attributes (saguna Brahman), you are highly mistaken.
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@druid @snacks you made bullshit assumptions from my post. Saying "perhaps God will intervene during this time of unrighteousness by sending bhakti yogis" is not calling God emotive and indecisive. And finally you haven't addressed your initial promotion of adharma over dharma by calling for a "demon invasion", you merely said "asuras come from God too". Gods will is beyond human understanding, and God is above dharma and adharma, but God always promote dharma, and your... what do you call it, "kali yuga accelerationism"? is not dharmic.
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@georgia @snacks This has fuck all to do with your previous post.
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@eemmaa @georgia @snacks
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@druid @georgia @snacks both of you are nerds. Muh self - more like muh balls. Predetermine these nuts.
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@druid @snacks well at least youre not evil, just almost certainly wrong. you really think your theory of what will happen when demons invade earth is much more realistic than people who want satya yuga to begin in the next couple centuries? its not. Demons are much more evil than most humans and the massive proliferation of asuras on Earth would cause irreligion and unrighteousness to flourish.
I also find your constant invocation of Abrahamic religions as a gotcha to be indicative of a deeper insecurity? God has spoken to many peoples, not just the Indians. Have you heard of San Juan de la Cruz? He was a jivanmukti of the highest calibre, a paramahamsa. He wrote extensively about experiencing annihilation of the senses and finding lasting oneness with God.
But I'm done arguing. Its adharmic.
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@georgia @snacks You're a complete fool if you think that. I hate to break it to you but we are talking about a religion that is kaleidoscopic in scope. There is rather a lot of bloodlust in places and there is no shame in experiencing it yourself or desiring conflict.
Also the Kali Yuga can't be accelerated, I think I made that pretty clear when talking about how wanting Kalki now is a cope. I just think that demons would legitimately have a healthier impact on human culture than our leaders do. A demon invasion would render the banal, evil system we have created virtually meaningless. It would attract the corrupt, the sadistic and the greedy to the ranks of the demons, and in doing so it would out them to us and enable us to kill them without hesitation or remorse, feeling totally justified. It would solve the problem of evil by loudly announcing to the world that evil exists and that it needs YOU to fight it.
Your silly game of "you're not a REAL Hindu because" is a bullshit Abrahamic holdover just like the statements about "God" that I replied to in the first place. You don't get to lecture me on Dharma.
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@druid @snacks arguing with vitriol (ie namecalling) as you are and as i was beginning to is wrong, yes. I'm not joking. youre angry and maybe you should ask yourself why. I think you'd find pride at the center of it. just some advice.
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@georgia @snacks
> you really think your theory of what will happen when demons invade earth is much more realistic than people who want satya yuga to begin in the next couple centuries?
Yes. You live nowhere even close to the Satya Yuga. There are countless millennia of strife after this one. Conversely I am pretty sure that most ordinary people seeing a demon would say "oh fuck a demon, please somebody kill it."
>Demons are much more evil than most humans and the massive proliferation of asuras on Earth would cause irreligion and unrighteousness to flourish.
Delusional nonsense. Christians alone would be enormously galvanised. Deus Vult would become a way of life. Irreligion flourishes because people doubt the existence of the "paranormal," put a demon in their face and they will be unable to ignore it.
>I also find your constant invocation of Abrahamic religions as a gotcha to be indicative of a deeper insecurity?
Pathetic pseudopsychology. Hatred and obsession are not functions of insecurity. It's a fallacy most commonly regurgitated in the idea that hatred comes from fear, which in reality only obfuscates our grasp of hatred.
>God has spoken to many peoples, not just the Indians.
Has literally nothing to do with anything either of us said, but considering it came right after "heh are you mad about God chuddy?" this looks a lot like an "A-Abrahamism is real religion too" ploy which is honestly predictable beyond the point of hilarity.
>Have you heard of San Juan de la Cruz? He was a jivanmukti of the highest calibre, a paramahamsa. He wrote extensively about experiencing annihilation of the senses and finding lasting oneness with God.
No I haven't and this is a non-sequitur.
>But I'm done arguing. Its adharmic.
ARGUING is adharmic? HOLY COPE. I never thought I would see such an excuse in my life. (In before "i-it's a joke")