@Zergling_man i have an amazing parable for you too. Once a great man asked, flat chest or cow tits¿ the younge man replied,"uhoh!¡! :cunny_yinyang: :3d_uhoh: :cowrolling: i need mommy milkers cause im a little rizz boi!¡!" The old man immediately kill him with a cinder block and there was once again peace
@Soy_Magnus Anon asked the wizened scholar, "which is better, big chests or small?" The scholar replied, "suppose you had $50 in notes, and $50 in coins, which would have the greater mass?" "The coins, of course", replied anon "But which," continued the scholar, "would have the greater value?" Anon was enlightened
@Zergling_man that was a @renai meme. Supremacy of flat chest. He made tgat id post it at cocklenim when i was bullying him for his cow hag animu grils
@Zergling_man I seem to have slightly misremembered "Urara Meirochou", the girl I called a Kemenomimi was merely a Disney princess type; that is, a girl that gets along really well with wildlife.
@Zergling_man wait a minute, is this the series about girls with divination powers, and the MC is some kind of ditzy kemenomimi that shows her belly as a sign of submission?