@MechaSilvio@deprecated_ii people are blackpilling over stupid things. The questions to ask are: "why is our government spending a TRILLION dollars every 100 days?"
When you figure that out, it becomes obvious that this isn't a "make cosmetic changes" kind of situation.
@deprecated_ii CAN TRUMP GET IN EARLIER FFS????? This period since the election feels like 10 years already.
inflation doesn't go down bc everyone is padding prices assuming Trump will make imports and labor more expensive (he won't), then the FED does not lower interest and the vicious circle continues.
Also every ZOG proxy has been activated, the wiggers are next
@BowsacNoodle@MechaSilvio@deprecated_ii the thing is that we are at the point where if they took it to zero, it would re-inflate the (still too high) inflation, so it's a bad situation.
It's hard to tell, but it feels very much like the kind of situation germany was in prior to hyperinflation. All we have different is that we don't yet have people saying "inflation is good, actually".
When we do have that, *THEN* it is real oh-shit times.
@BowsacNoodle@MechaSilvio@deprecated_ii But the biggest take home is that as we've seen all over the place, the government is spending huge money on assistance for the invaders.
They've created an intentional bind where if you stopped giving the assistance, they wouldn't be more affordable than americans, and then those companies would just pass the costs onto consumers, which would not go over well in a failing economy.
But the more frightening and subtle part is that they have been juicing demand by bringing all of the invaders in, so if any large amount of them leave, it will cause huge problem.
They've been letting so many in because that's what they need to keep the economy afloat. But it's to the point where people are very angry about all the forigeners, and it isn't helping a lot anymore.
@ShtPoastAnon@MechaSilvio@deprecated_ii I mean sure, you can do that, but there are quite a few people that hold those IOUs. After doing something like that, then it makes borrowing for that government hard ( way more expensive ).
@sickburnbro@BowsacNoodle@deprecated_ii are the assistance levels that higher than 2021? inflation happened because of supply chain issues and energy prices. Interest hikes did not make it better. All it did was strangle American allies, maybe THAT is the goal?
@MechaSilvio@sickburnbro@deprecated_ii Appears so from data I've seen floating around. We've had a ton more invaders, the extra money to Our Greatest Ally :trademark: and our Eastern European Greatest Ally :trademark: