at this point, thinking any kind of progressive anything is happening with the democratic party is just delusional
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🇵🇸 single use plastique 🏴☠️ ('s status on Thursday, 12-Dec-2024 17:59:32 JST 🇵🇸 single use plastique 🏴☠️
- AnthonyJK-Admin repeated this.
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RebelGeek99 ('s status on Thursday, 12-Dec-2024 17:59:17 JST RebelGeek99
@mook I felt Stein had some value simply keeping popular policies in discussion, one of the very few public figures striking at the corporate backed duocracy, but yeah... In the last eight years only ONE Green (Jason Call, WA-2) even tried to get into Congress. Learning that Sinema was also a Green in the distant past was disheartening, too. COVID was/is one of my big issues, as it remains intersectional with labor, health equity, and education, but Greens didn't even rally around that. Ugh.
AnthonyJK-Admin repeated this. -
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🇵🇸 single use plastique 🏴☠️ ('s status on Thursday, 12-Dec-2024 17:59:17 JST 🇵🇸 single use plastique 🏴☠️ what Cornel West did to the greens this year was pretty fucking shitty, i mean i love everything that dude says but what a kook, i didn't want to admit it but seems like just a big money making grift for him at this point
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🇵🇸 single use plastique 🏴☠️ ('s status on Thursday, 12-Dec-2024 17:59:20 JST 🇵🇸 single use plastique 🏴☠️ i mean with the greens they play this respectability trip while also saying things that are not very politically savy -- like with the Syria thing, i both sympathized with the revolution but also opposed US intervention, just like I hate Putin and I respect the ukranians right to resist an imperialist invasion, but have never been gung ho on US support for Ukraine -- and now with trump being dependent on the US is going to bite them in the ass -- you can oppose US imperialism without making apologies for foreign dictators, it's really not hard. But this goes beyond the greens and speaks to how there really is no organized leftist force in the US that is able to articulate a genuine working class perspective.
Like personally, why do the greens where suits? Just wear a T-shirt and jeans, and why settle for milquetoast positions when you're gonna lose anyway? ... and hey, maybe now a real working class party can begin to take shape, but that's only possible with a militant working class movement behind it... just like "pushing the dems left" requires a working class movement that can actually push them left and until that we'll always be reacting to bourgeois political formations.AnthonyJK-Admin repeated this. -
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RebelGeek99 ('s status on Thursday, 12-Dec-2024 17:59:23 JST RebelGeek99
@mook Word. As much as I never wanted a first term let alone a second term of this orange skinned conman in the WH, we have no choice but to just watch it play out at this point. Bernie isn't starting a third party and Greens (whose essential 2016 platform Dems campaigned on and overwhelmingly won with in 2020) have been dismissed as gullible Russian assets. It's looking more and more like everything will come crashing down, Constitution and all, before anything can fundamentally change.
AnthonyJK-Admin repeated this. -
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🇵🇸 single use plastique 🏴☠️ ('s status on Thursday, 12-Dec-2024 17:59:23 JST 🇵🇸 single use plastique 🏴☠️ Yep, we are all accellerationists now, trump regime is going to do irreparable damage to constitutional protects or environmental / worker regulations, their own incompetence may prevent them from ceasing total power, but their going to do incredible damage.
The democrats are going to do their controlled opposition bit and our goal should be to resist this at every turn, Build working class power, militant and uncompromising unions and neighborhood comittees, struggle against landlords and megacorp, mass protests where everyone masks and hoodies up, decentralized small groups is the way to go, any centralized party like DSA is just putting yourself on a hit list.
As for the green party, t's kinda their own fall really, Stein and Barakas stance on Syria made me stop fucking with them back in like 2015 -- and the didn't Stein run again this year? What a joke. Had that bothered to focus on local winnable elections 10 years ago, rather than doing the election troll routine they might have something by now, their obsession with doomed presidential bids means every four years they burn millions of dollars with nothing to show for it, and are forced into alliances with reactionary fringes.
this year they could have recruited heavily among Muslim americans but their Russia/Assad sympathies makes that impossible, part of this is the "boomer supremacy" thing where boomers seize the reigns and refuse to let go or allow new leaders to rise up, but a lot is also being dead set on failed strategies
We really do have to start from square one, hopefully we don't let the dems swoop in in 2-4 years and coopt all that grassroots organizing all over again.AnthonyJK-Admin repeated this. -
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RebelGeek99 ('s status on Thursday, 12-Dec-2024 17:59:25 JST RebelGeek99
@mook even more insidious, anyone who calls them out on the engineered complicitness is demonized as a Trumper, or "unserious" (and often put on a blocklist). I imagine these aren't paid operatives and just fearful desperate people lashing out, but it's splitting hairs at this point. Out of fucks. I try to focus on local/community level stuff where our voices still matter a bit.
AnthonyJK-Admin repeated this. -
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🇵🇸 single use plastique 🏴☠️ ('s status on Thursday, 12-Dec-2024 17:59:25 JST 🇵🇸 single use plastique 🏴☠️ i'm sure i am blocked by many a shitlib, it's for the better anyway, someone that up their own ass isn't going to change their mind, and there is a non zero amount of paid / semi professional political trolls, that's where a lot of the money they raise disappears to, shady troll farm shit -- that should be a massive scandal actually, how the dems raised billions of dollars more than trump and didn't spend it on GOTV shit, they did not even campaign in Florida, which Obama won twice -- I think they have very conciously constructed a cult like onine community in to defend the DNC establishment, similar to Qanon or pro russian propaganda circles, if done effectively it kinda operates autonomously -- but when it comes to real world organizational functions, they are just looting the party infrastructure at this point, patting themselves on the back totally in their little fantasy weird ( see how many dems leaders are in on the AI scam)
With that parasite getting whacked all these dems lining up to condemn "violence", it's a real litmus test, they could just say nothing lmao, no they sincerely care about what randos say on the internet, because they are class conscious, they're bourgeois first, they can't hide their pearl clutching, they're scared -- but one thing we've learned from their voter outreach is that moralistic browbeating is not effective at all, so let them keep digging their own graves.AnthonyJK-Admin repeated this. -
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🇵🇸 single use plastique 🏴☠️ ('s status on Thursday, 12-Dec-2024 17:59:26 JST 🇵🇸 single use plastique 🏴☠️
exactly, they trot out the progressives when they're in a bad spot, when they're in a position of strength they're like "you'll get nothing and you'll love it" and punch punch punch left all day, then when they lose, oh here's Elizabeth warren with the (get this) "The ACCOUNTABLE CAPITALISM ACT" of course it has no hope of passing Now and that's the point, she wouldn't drop that shit 2 years ago, when dems were in position of strength and the progressives should have united to push the party left. It's so fucking transparent -- the reason any of these people are there is because they're corporate stooges.
in the case of AOC is actually kindof sad, she's one of the biggest fundraisers ( if not THE biggest when organic donators ) in the party, she could actually just do whatever the fuck she wants and the dems couldn't stop her ( they try to primary her anyway despite the compromises, which is scandalous in itself )
I mean really, the dems are straight up controlled by the same corporate interests as the repugs, that's why they don't talk about issues, only decorum, they have nothing to offer, and by the way they act, and the numerous conflicts of interests we could list, seems like they're tryingAnthonyJK-Admin repeated this. -
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RebelGeek99 ('s status on Thursday, 12-Dec-2024 17:59:27 JST RebelGeek99
@mook oh absolutely, then. Electoral Dems are 100% staged opposition. It's conspicuous how even AOC (and I was a big fan at one point) only ever finds her voice when the party is in the minority. Bernie isn't even a Dem anymore, but they still love to trot him out as the progressive wing of the party. The only role of progressives in that party is to sequester votes and then squash their voices.
AnthonyJK-Admin repeated this. -
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RebelGeek99 ('s status on Thursday, 12-Dec-2024 17:59:28 JST RebelGeek99
@mook agreed. At the least electoral Dems. State legislatures tend to be more progressive, generally, but there's not much correlation there.
COIN? Corporate Owned Interest Networks ? Haven't heard that one before
AnthonyJK-Admin repeated this. -
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🇵🇸 single use plastique 🏴☠️ ('s status on Thursday, 12-Dec-2024 17:59:28 JST 🇵🇸 single use plastique 🏴☠️ ha that's a good one, no i mean COIN as in Counter Insurgency, that's their role to prevent an "insurgent" movement against capitalism, by setting up fake leadership, ostracizing socialists etc. regardless of whether they're "non-violent"
AnthonyJK-Admin repeated this. -
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RebelGeek99 ('s status on Thursday, 12-Dec-2024 17:59:29 JST RebelGeek99
@mook jeebus, I'm on a blocklist on here for saying as much lol
yeah no, they're done, they just don't know it yet. like those ghosts in "The Others" they'll still make some noises, move the furniture around, but they've lost the plot entirely.
AnthonyJK-Admin repeated this. -
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🇵🇸 single use plastique 🏴☠️ ('s status on Thursday, 12-Dec-2024 17:59:29 JST 🇵🇸 single use plastique 🏴☠️
yeah i mean i'm pretty "pragmatic" if the dems could lean slightly to the left, would be cool, but i think their leadership is totally hallowed out by corporate interests, there's no democracy left in the democratic party or possibility of organic change, they don't care if they lose, it's just controlled opposition, them and the whole non-profit sector are just COIN ops at this pointAnthonyJK-Admin repeated this. -
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🇵🇸 single use plastique 🏴☠️ ('s status on Thursday, 12-Dec-2024 17:59:30 JST 🇵🇸 single use plastique 🏴☠️ oh god reddit dems, they're worse than lemmy dems lol and they're still bad that Biden Dropped out, i remember saying "biden needs to drop out so we can have a real primary" last year and they swarmed me, just irrational bootlicking
AnthonyJK-Admin repeated this. -
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RebelGeek99 ('s status on Thursday, 12-Dec-2024 17:59:31 JST RebelGeek99
@mook Reddit Dems will not catch up with this in time for the Midterms. And by 2028, if the Dem party is still in existence, they will be wholly indistinguishable from the 2000-2008 GOP.
AnthonyJK-Admin repeated this. -
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🇵🇸 single use plastique 🏴☠️ ('s status on Thursday, 12-Dec-2024 18:01:19 JST 🇵🇸 single use plastique 🏴☠️ what Cornel West did to the greens this year was pretty fucking shitty, i mean i love everything that dude says but what a kook, i didn't want to admit it but seems like just a big money making grift for him at this point
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🇵🇸 single use plastique 🏴☠️ ('s status on Thursday, 12-Dec-2024 18:06:35 JST 🇵🇸 single use plastique 🏴☠️ yeah good to have some kind of alternative, and they do expose the dems on their bullshit keeping them off the ballot, but on covid they had a lot of anti vax people in the party which should have never happened
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🇵🇸 single use plastique 🏴☠️ ('s status on Thursday, 12-Dec-2024 18:09:16 JST 🇵🇸 single use plastique 🏴☠️
You ever notice whenever the Dems suffer a catastrophe and lose a winnable election then AOC, Liz Warren and Bernie Sanders come out whatever CIA black site they keep them in and start talking all this corporate accountability noise? and then whenever comes time for primaries or to pass laws they are publicly humiliated by dem leadership?
Kinda sus
It's like they know that progressive policies are popular and get them votes, but they're not actually gonna do that.
So yeah don't fall for the sheep dog routine, this is really getting to charlie brown football levels of comic absurdity