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Speaking of word wizardry:
The Golem is a thing created by rabbis, usually from clay, meant to guard the synagogue or do the bidding of the rabbi. To give it life, the rabbi writes the hebrew word for truth (emet) on its forehead. To kill it, they simply erase the first letter, tranforming the word to the hebrew word for dead (met).
This is considered the height of clever among them.
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I've read a bit about their Golem magic. I think the whole concept is just metaphor dressed up in occultic voodoo garb in a Kabbalistic game of "Stump the Chump," Goy Edition. For instance, although the golem is created to protect the Jews, their own lore on the subject is steeped in cautionary tales of the Golem gone rogue and attacking them, kind of like the niggers are beginning to do now.
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Yeah, I have noticed how they talk with their hands to a much more animated degree than most people do.
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"jews are good people" *hand wave*
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"The only part of the IQ test where jew exceed everyone else is verbal skills. In all other categories, they are equal to or lesser than Whites."
Back to the verbal acuity thing, that's probably the biggest thing that makes them overestimate their own intelligence, and how their outrageous arrogance manifests online. They're notorious for correcting typos in comments sections, which is a fuckwit's hobby btw, and then trashing your whole argument based on a "Gotcha!" that's basically just grade school insult misdirection. Most of them are practically imbecilic.
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" ...which reminds me of the Hart Celler act, but spelled heart seller,, sounds goofy when you start playing word games, or seeing shapes in random patterns, but are they really random>?"
The Yids love their word play. Aside from sheer demonic cunning, verbal acuity is the only intelligence they have in abundance.
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The only part of the IQ test where jew exceed everyone else is verbal skills. In all other categories, they are equal to or lesser than Whites.
They are Word Wizards, and it's no coincidence their "magical" texts attribute much weight to the power of the word, especially spoken.
One other thing to note when a jew is trying to push a narrative: note the hand gestures. Almost Jedi style ..
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what is a nation?
a race of ppl, it's funny to think that the American experiment might have destroyed the west, because it changed the concept of a nation right from the start,
or i suppose you can say Christianity caused the division that lead to the destruction of Europe, by splitting the ppl away from the concept of race, to being spiritually focused,
to go from the concrete, objective race, even if poorly understood 1500 years ago, to some philosophical idea of religion, even weirder is that the religion is foreign to europeans,
but i am not saying its an issue with Christianity, or its a negative more than positive, i dont know, it just is, i think, we dont have to fight about the past, learn from it, yes, to shape the future,
to think how unlikely Christianity was,or that it would conquer Europe, and i am not saying America was a negative, just that the formation of it as a shared republic is such an interesting seed, a dark seed, with potential for so much destruction, for the DC fan, stretch the metaphor to a superman, a ubermensch fighting the dark seed,
which reminds me of the Hart Celler act, but spelled heart seller,, sounds goofy when you start playing word games, or seeing shapes in random patterns, but are they really random>?