Project QOTO is to used to see how many users are interested in future projects by writing a simple "hello" message more visibly in this thread.
This thread helps us see who is motivated and what kinds of skills we have to work with, to then link the existing interests and ideas into future projects.
By not defining things too strictly from the beginning we allow ourselves to find out the answers (using ourselves) and show the positive attempts as we go. Welcome to Project QOTO.
There are no commitments with the "hello" message and you can remove that at any time.
If you have existing ideas for a project, or a "back burner" project or two , then please add that in a separate post or inside your own profile description for people to check out.
Use #ProjectQoto hashtag to check this thread at any time and see progress.
@freemo has confirmed this as a unofficial #QOTO project with his approval while he does other things meantime. For now we can see the ideas we have between us here, and use what social is really good for, bringing individuals together and forming whatever people like and love to do already and consider doing more of it!
regards, #ProjectQoto
(which includes you hopefully!)
Again, a simple "hello" is enough for people to see your profile and what you are already interested in.