According to my image search these little pods are wasp #galls of varying species.
Saw this on the sidewalk during a morning walk a couple of days ago.
According to my image search these little pods are wasp #galls of varying species.
Saw this on the sidewalk during a morning walk a couple of days ago.
no, no. bugs are abstract
the closer they resemble us, the more the horror unfolds
i'm sitting here on the south side of lake ontario
where our good buddies the lampreys reside
the more you look into it, the weirder it gets
"The larvae of Glyptapanteles species are able to manipulate their hosts into serving as bodyguards."
@benroyce @WrenArcher Makes sense, because "Hymenoptera" is actually Latin for "Nightmare Fuel."
@benroyce @WrenArcher But let us move on to more pleasant topics... Like the Jewel Wasp.
IIRC, the Jewel Wasp was the inspiration for the reproductive behaviour of the Xenomorph in the original "Alien."
i think toxoplasma gondii will make the leap before cordyceps
as someone who grew up in a house with 10-20 cats, i feel them in me, searching, commanding...
@benroyce @WrenArcher I recall some hysteria over statistics suggesting that young men exposed to toxoplasma gondii were more likely to get into motorcycle accidents or some such alleged correlation with foolhardiness.
Which led scientists to wonder if it's the same mechanism that makes mice stop avoiding the scent of cats.
@benroyce @WrenArcher Cordyceps is very scary. The moment it mutates into a version that can parasitize mammals, our time is done.
No way a species too stupid to believe in vaccines is going to muster the worldwide epidemiological resources to beat back a fungus that engages in mind control.
delete that post!
😱 😱 😱
the parasite seeks the easiest existence
rendering all other biological functions irrelevant, and those waste away
if it could, after billions of years, it would evolve into a wasp prion
@benroyce @WrenArcher Or into Cordyceps.
@benroyce @WrenArcher Fairy Wasps are little more than five neurons dressed in a trenchcoat. Amazing that such a small brain produces any behaviour at all.
i love these galls for an entirely morbid reason
there is the gall wasp, a parasite of oak trees
then there is the crypt keeper wasp, a parasite of the parasite
their larva eat the gall wasp larva then make it chew a hole until the tip of its head sticks out of the gall, then the adult crypt keeper wasp escapes through the head
latin name "euderus set"
named after set, the egyptian god who trapped his brother osiris in a sarcophagus and killed him
@benroyce @WrenArcher Euderus Set is a hyper-parasitoid. But wait!
The Fairy Wasp predates a variety of insects, including parasites and even hyper-parasitoids like the Crypt-Keeper Wasp.
Scientist have discovered chains of predations four and five levels deep. And some theorize that the induced head-plugging behaviour exists to keep fairy wasps from predating the cyrpt-keeper's offspring.
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