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@skylar @wgiwf @Echigo @bleedingphoenix
>we need to return to the days where we consider people from the next INSTANCE over subhuman filth
Fixed that for you.
Those filthy NCD'ers and their filthy hot tub parties. :tanya_annoyed:
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@wgiwf @SuperSnekFriend @Echigo @bleedingphoenix we need to return to the days where we consider people from the next town over subhuman filth
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@skylar @SuperSnekFriend @Echigo @bleedingphoenix No that's gay. Pan-nationalism is really dumb. Truth be told things would be better in America if regional identities were more of a thing.
Would you want a bunch of hippie Colorado stoners moving into your town just because they're white? Just because on the macro scale the stoner and you are both white Americans (or Amerikaners as someone else has said) doesn't mean you and him are the same, same with Europeans and with America and Europe.
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@skylar @SuperSnekFriend @Echigo @bleedingphoenix Think of it this way, when a bunch of English, Dutch, Germans, Irish, Italians, and Poles, etc., come to settle in America they don't encounter a new and foreign civilization to theirs, it's the same own they're from broadly speaking. They do arrive in a foreign country and culture to theirs, but they don't end up in a place like Saudi Arabia with its Islamic civilizational values that have no common source with Europe.
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@wgiwf @SuperSnekFriend @Echigo @bleedingphoenix well by that logic, we can just blow off the differences between european nations and call them all generic european
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@skylar @SuperSnekFriend @Echigo @bleedingphoenix I don't think Ancient Rome and Britain are really analogous to the situation with North America to Europe. They conquered the savage Bri'ish and gave them an alphabet, laws, and aqueducts whereas the peoples who settled America belonged to the Catholic/Protestant part of Europe, (in contrast to the Orthodox part), with that same Latin alphabets and Western Christian traditions as the ones in their "old countries".
I'm not going to claim that Americans are literally Europeans, although ethnically and culturally many are, but are from the some broader "Western" (Catholic and Protestant Europe) European civilization as Europeans. Think about them what you will, we have the same common source, that's all.
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@bleedingphoenix @SuperSnekFriend @Echigo Of course. Mediterranean Europeans are inherently different from Scandinavians, for example, same with Americans to continental Europe. But when people claim that white Americans (with European heritage) are an entirely different group of than those of contemporary European civilization and are just "White", not European, they're full of shit. The USA and Canada are outgrowths of European civilization.
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@wgiwf @SuperSnekFriend @Echigo @bleedingphoenix white americans aren't just generic white, we're ~american~ as an ethnicity
sure we got some stuff from europe, but like the bri'ish getting some stuff from the roman empire when they were around doesn't make them just an offshoot of roman civilization and nothing else.
being compared to europeans makes me feel mad online
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@bleedingphoenix @SuperSnekFriend @Echigo While not as big as it was in America, Art Deco was very much a thing in Europe as well. The otherization of Europe in relation to America is a devious plot to erase ethnic cultures in America in order to bring about rootless mass consumer culture. America is European culturally, its own thing of course, but undeniably part of Western Christendom.
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@wgiwf @SuperSnekFriend @Echigo oh yes it is culturally and racially European, but I do believe it has some unique attributes that come with geography and cultural separation. i'd like to see that exemplified in a hypothetical America.
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@SuperSnekFriend @Echigo what we would embrace, then? surely something American but obviously not divorced from European infuences. it's a thought experiment i've been tossing around.
also does this come with the trans-atlantic accent as a package deal
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@bleedingphoenix @Echigo
Would the designers of a hypothetical win go back to Art Deco? Perhaps in a few cities in the North East and West Coast, but nothing systematic considering the kind of guys we would want in place of art, design, and architecture.
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@bleedingphoenix @Echigo
Considering we are currently torn between capitalist-oriented architects and graphics designers who don't care one iota for aesthetics, post-modernists who continue to pat themselves on the back while stealing tax money and destroying any sense of communal beauty, and traditionalists who will figuratively and/or literally vomit at the idea of any trend post-1900's, I don't believe Art Deco will ever be coming back wholesale.
But I could be wrong because I'm not God who can see the future.
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@SuperSnekFriend @Echigo i mean in a "when we win" hypothetical, not a fake and gay revisiting
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Art Deco and the 1920's-30's
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@SuperSnekFriend @Echigo i'm curious what a modern art deco would look like, supposing it was a state aesthetic. would we just go back to a faithful embrace of the style, or could we iterate on it in a unique way
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This is probably a pretty stupid question, but how would you guys describe “American elegance”?