even if you accept 5.0 million that's killed and disposed of *from all* causes only
>The daily capacity of the crematoria (how many bodies could be burned in a 24-hour period) was 340 corpses in crematorium I; 1,440 each in crematoria II and III; and 768 each in IV and V.[66] By June 1943 all four crematoria were operational, but crematorium I was not used after July 1943. This made the total daily capacity 4,416, although by loading three to five corpses at a time, the Sonderkommando were able to burn some 8,000 bodies a day.
in other words 1,000 /day * 365 * 2 or so is about.. 730,000 or about right 8,000/day * 365 * 2 was...about 5 M. it's proportionally right.
@special-boy@GoodBoyUV ...and I don't, especially the latter. That's exactly the kind of disagreement I have with more orthodox thinkers. But especially when dealing with children we've gotta get some details correct.
@jeffcliff@GoodBoyUV The TLDR is the allies estimated the monthly German tank production numbers by adding the average gap of the observed serial numbers to the the maximum observed serial number.