Yesterday, as on every Friday, I updated my public servers. This time I was on the train, so a bit of a flaky connection. I am old school, so I logged in to my machines, started a `screen` session and ran the `def update`there. This way I could be reasonably sure it would work even if my connection breaks.
@jwildeboer@MastodonEngineering Given that the company can only afford to pay 3-4 full time developers, I think they should prioritize features around user safety and moderation.
@jwildeboer Apologies for the rant, but the thing I'd like people to start doing is, every time they say "here's a great feature we should add" to follow that with "and here's how we'll pay for it" with a donation link.
@jwildeboer Sometimes they just end up working on smaller features, like the recently released author tags (which I love and use!), and now there's just not enough resources to tackle the big and difficult stuff.
People might've complained about quote boosts, but they're now choosing Bluesky, which lacks a ton of useful features Mastodon/fediverse already has, like editing your posts, or not broadcasting a list of everyone you blocked.
@jwildeboer Looking at the list of GitHub issues I shared, disabling replies has 717 thumbs-ups, quote-boosts are at 220. I've seen people announce leaving the fediverse not over missing features, but their safety. And when they leave and tell their friends they're not safe here, no fancy features will convince them to give us a try.
Right. The thing that is starting to bug me, to be quite honest, and this is not a criticism specifically of you, mind you, is that people asking for all these different features, which are mostly nice-to-haves, have been causing the tiny team to lose their focus, trying to please everyone, and stretching themselves thin.
Yes, we are in a tough spot. Another big frustration, missing fediverse replies, is finally seeing some work being done to address this only because an outside contributor took it upon themselves. The code is being reviewed by someone from the team, which is great, but again, it took years for a feature that I think is core to the experience to get the attention it needs.
@jwildeboer This is on the roadmap, but it requires a complete replacement of the status parser, which is a complex endeavour with security & performance impacts. @dave started experimenting on the topic but we did not find a good way yet.
@jwildeboer@dave What you describe is what we want to build, and what has the issue I outlined above. Claire, the GlitchSOC maintainer, is part of the Mastodon team, and she herself says that we should not re-use what Glitch does because it has issues.
@jwildeboer@renchap FWIW what you are describing is mostly how it already works today. We "just" need to replace the current formatter with a markdown parser. Federation is not affected at all. But we do a *lot* of formatting of posts, so we need to be sure performance does not hurt too much. Depending on the specific markdown parser there are also subtle issues with parsing and marking up of @-mentions, hashtags etc. This can all be solved and it is on my agenda, but not with the highest prio.