I mean they claim it's decentralized but to be able to register your own domain with their system it's all manually approved by BlueSky staff and there's not really a FE for it so all views go to their main website anyways IIRC. So decentralized, much wow
@coolboymew lemmer doesnt address it but all the effective centralization means they can definitely ban two people from talking to each other and there's no facility to bypass their censorship. In other words, total non-starter for people like me.
@sun exactly, the absolute only thing you can possibly have control over is "your data", except that you WILL federate with the main instance where everyone is and Bluesky TOS already has AI data collection clauses so it's entirely pointless again, you are practically winning nothing by self hosting bluesky
@coolboymew discovery relies on the relay which is currently like 5TB of data. and even if you use did:web identity to separate your identity from their placeholder identity server, they can just ban your id from the relay and you're effectively disappeared.