@interfluidity@Hyolobrika True! Though the book also makes a strong case that the practices of governance in online communities has created a template for authoritarian politics at the national level.
@Hyolobrika i'm a big fan of @ntnsndr i haven't read the book, but from a glance, it looks like he is advocating ways of strengthening democratic habits via civil society, participation in lots more democratic spaces, ideally personally and socially consequential, which i agree would help a lot, render us better at being part of a constitutional democracy.
@interfluidity@Hyolobrika And then, before long, the former president becomes a sysadmin and, by teaming up with another sysadmin, becomes president again.
@ntnsndr@Hyolobrika on face, that seems like a reasonable hypothesis! maybe in the open source world, we grew too comfortable with “benevolent dictator for life”. and obviously, surveillant commercial platforms.