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@toiletpaper @teratology Reminder that Genghis Khan was the most biologically successful man in human history, and it's up to women to sell men on the idea that they should not simply follow his example. It's also up to men to not be total retards and leverage this to get a good deal.
- mangeurdenuage :gnu: :trisquel: :gondola_head: 🌿 :abeshinzo: :ignucius: likes this.
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@teratology @nerthos
In the case of Gaza that may be the supposed case, but this devaluation of men is hardly exclusive to the middle east. It's pervasive and endemic to basically every issue bar none. When men talk about our issues, we're vilified as misogynists and physically attacked, often by other [feminist] men posing as white knights.
Truthfully I prefer a balanced fact based approach. But when it comes to gender issues, I'll take the man's side every time simply because women already own the media and the popular opinion. It's way past time for a little pushback.
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> "Always believe victims" can be leveraged here to force compliance or total social death.
In an ideal world that would be true, but in reality, not bloody likely. I'm reminded for instance of the other day seeing a BBC article about how 70% of victims of violence in Gaza are women and children. But when you do the math, it turns out that men were far more likely to be victims than either individual women or children. That's because men are disposable, whereas bleating about women and children is always a good gambit to pull at the heart strings even when they're the vast minority. Same deal with years back when Boko Haram kidnapped all those Nigerian school girls and everyone lost their shit over it. The reason the militants did that is because they'd already murdered all the boys and got not a peep from the media. So they kidnapped (not killed) some girls and suddenly they're on the front page as they wanted all along. That's the reality.
> I'd rather go for justice but as a man, if they want a war of the sexes, I'll fight on the side of men.
Same. Mainly because of the kind of shit I just said above. It's been the status quo far far too long. Time for a change.
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@toiletpaper @nerthos I see a lot of rw women defend the deaths of men because they're totally terrorists, etc. etc. so I understand the need to appeal with innocent women and children.
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@toiletpaper "Always believe victims" can be leveraged here to force compliance or total social death.
I'd rather go for justice but as a man, if they want a war of the sexes, I'll fight on the side of men.
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@toiletpaper However if the man was raped or deceived, he has the right to demand the termination. Rape abortions should be symmetrical.
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Yeah. That's a tough one. I kinda agree, but am also aware that even in the best of cases it's difficult to prove. At least with women, they can go to the police or doctor and get a swap to prove penetration occurred. How is a man gonna do that? Never mind the cultural reality that most people are under the mistaken impression that it's not possible for a man to be raped like that, and feel no problem openly ridiculing men who make such a claim.
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@toiletpaper If he resigns paternity rights and she resigns any claims to his wealth or name, yes. It's not ideal, but it's as close as good as it could get without honor killings.
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I'm inclined to agree with you.
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@toiletpaper I'm fine with it only if it's an agreement from both parents. Otherwise if the woman wants to get it and the man doesn't, she should pay 18 years of alimony to the man.
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So what if the man wants the woman to abort and the woman refuses? Should the woman be exclusively responsible for child support from that point onward? Or should the man be able to force her to get the abortion?
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@toiletpaper I support it when it's facilitated to $othergroup. My only gripe with it usually is using tax money for it, they should pay for their own mistakes out of their pocket.
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I feel more inclined to say that about cosmetic surgery for sex reassignment. Ironically in Canada that's paid for on the basis of it being compassionate mental health care for gender dysphoria. But at the same time it's illegal to refer to it as mental illness. Go figure. I think they need to shit or get off the pot and pick one. Either the people are mentally ill and it's covered under public healthcare, or they're not and it's elective cosmetic surgery they should pay for out of their own pocket.
As to abortion, there are a bunch of reasons I don't think that's wise. Firstly, there was a father too. Why should it be the mother's exclusive onus, when the dude could have used a condom? Next, say the condom broke, most of the time it's just a pill that the woman gets from her doctor or a clinic. Up until the 3rd trimester if there's any other medical intervention involved, it mainly involves inserting a tube and suctioning out a lump of cells. In the case of 3rd trimester abortions, it's typically due to serious health complications that have a high likelihood of costing the mother's life. The other cases such as rape and so on, clearly aren't something that should be forced on anyone, especially when it can be easily dealt with early on with relatively noninvasive methods. The fetus doesn't even have a functioning brain (with the capacity for consciousness) until after the 26th week of pregnancy anyway. So opposing abortions are not really about saving lives, but about being sentimental towards a vaguely human shaped lump of cells, or otherwise wishing to impose some irrational ideology on the unwilling.
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@toiletpaper I generally do things when they fulfill two criteria: it's funny to me and it promotes whatever cause I'm supporting. This is not a fight I'm invested in, but I think it's a reasonable decision for those who are invested in it to do it.
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I'm not super invested in it either, but I do like to play the devil's advocate. It's funny how so much of the debate on both sides can be distilled down to "bodily autonomy" and the fact that neither group wants the other to have it.
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@toiletpaper What about calling them baby killers because it's funny and useful and makes them upset?
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If it were just about the lulz, I'd be fine with the trolling. But what places like 4chan and so on have taught me (and others) is that Poe's Law not only works to upset the tightwads, it also provides cover and apparently widespread support for the folks who are sincere, resulting in it becoming easier for them to increase their numbers.
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Calling Democ'rats "baby killers" for wanting women to have access to abortion clinics, is just as unhinged from reality as calling Republi'cons "fascists" for wanting free speech.