@egonw I think we're just leeches so far. The main IA-supporting European entity is BetterWorldBooks in Scotland. Perhaps archive-it has some institutional customers here but I'm not sure. Wikimedia should contribute by facilitating book donations at least, they're a very direct way to help Wikimedia projects users.
@nemobis do you know of the relation between #internetArchive and Europe? Is there a mirror here? does Europe contribute to the sustainability in some way?
@samwilson I don't mind the collections being inaccessible for a few weeks. After all, copyright forces us to keep most collections inaccessible for over a century anyway. I'm more worried about the stressed and stretched IA staff. Months spent on firefighting will eat on current projects and potentially cause long-term burnouts. Think #InternetArchiveScholar for example, an extremely powerful service for #OpenScience. As the grant money ended, we can't expect IA to subsidise it much.
@nemobis indeed. I guess "in kind" contribution do matter too, but the Internet Archive seems to be too important #openInfrastructure to allow to be crippled for days
@egonw@nemobis True. But I also think the IA's ethos of "preservation before availability" is being played out at the moment. My impression is that they're more likely than many sites to not mind having reduced services for weeks (if it's seen as necessary), because ultimately what they're concerned with is the long term. As someone who uploads items there, that makes me happy.