cargo is the worst part of rust, and what pushed me away. packaging is hell, vendoring is everywhere, including vendoring of c libraries with no standard way to tell it to link against system libs (good luck going into and figuring out what this specific project chose to do) -- not to touch on how bad of an idea is into itself
and there's the npm effect, or the whole "async-runtime lockin", and so on
language-specific package managers are just a bad idea.
compare that with meson that not only natively supports both system and vendored (wrap-based cargo-like "download and build") dependencies, but it defaults to system ones unless you tell it not to, or the dependency is not on the system
meson also seamlessly work with C, C++, D, Fortran, Java, Rust-- so you can have a rust project in meson using c and c++ dependencies with nothing more than just `somec_dep = dependency('somec')`
that's how you make a good build system, by making it *build* things, not just a single specific language with crappy ways to integrate anything else
-- rust, great language, awful ecosystem
(p.s. this doesn't consider dynamic linking before anyone brings it up, you can have non-vendored statically-linked dependencies, and while not perfect, it's leagues better for packaging than vendoring stuff) cargo interests me somewhat but the lack of binary builds is a turn off. I also don’t really think that matters in the grand scheme (having a system like cargo vs not… cmake, meson, autotools etc are all um their own can of worms). At least rust actually has a community where people can improve the language (the committee is notoriously bad yea for C++) Primarily though constexpr is something that’s hyped up (I don’t really use it though). Sorry for the "use c++" thing that was not meant to be a childish thing. There are a lot of reasons to stay clear of C++ (I have pain with buildsystems) I mean languages are fun. Rust is a tool and so is C++, I find it interesting rust’s macros in comparison to C++‘s template metaprogramming
@puppygirlhornypost2@julia like why is it literally not possible to have a conversation comparing language features without this. kinda not fun this way