@freemo Not sure of this if ...
1/ upping the ante is how some of the ways of karma is being measured - and if Einstein wasn't just creating for newer 'Nazi' types? (so if we could use the Nazi term a bit loosely - financial being fascistic for example and other "do or start to get hunger and die" ways are quite similar in my mind to bullet in head ultimatums while living value is being diminished across the board all the meanwhile...).
So overall I mean that giving America a super power to defeat another super-power still = a bad super power ...and not much karma control that works longer term.
2/ Why couldn't this be a score board if we could assume God exist (for example playing by themself their own game) or Gods playing fun games together like "Jason and The Argonauts" without us needing to know about it?
Why couldn't it it be "some mystical score board where god will shoot you down with lightening if your being bad." once god or they had enough or wanted to change it up like some big brother hybrid show :)