> pretty clear that people running high fever shouldn't be driving.
that part might be true.
but that doesn't mean that the flu causes the same kind of brain damage that covid does. ie the mechanism matters
and even if it did (unlikely but plausible) that would mean we should be monitoring people for brain damage between flu bouts *and* covid bouts too and retesting them for driving skill or something
@jeffcliff@1goodtern i think you would find "more accidents" correlating with the flu (or other infections) as well. pretty clear that people running high fever shouldn't be driving.
it's pretty interesting that vaccination rate had no effect. this should be the topic of research, because the implications are quite huge.
@jeffcliff@1goodtern is there a study of covid/domestic violence corellation? or racism? i got a feeling that about everything is due to covid. just look hard enough! ;)
> [...] OR of 1.5 (1.23-1.26 95%CI). The analysis did not find a protective effect of vaccination against increased crash risks, contrary to previous assumptions. The OR [...]
someone left out inconvenient parts, even if it was only one sentence :)
basically everyone on the road is approximately drunk
@1goodtern RT @arijitchakrav > Findings indicate an association between acute COVID-19 rates & increased car crashes with an OR of 1.5 (1.23-1.26 95%CI)…The OR of car crashes associated with COVID-19 was comparable to driving under the influence of alcohol at legal limits or driving with a seizure disorder” https://x.com/arijitchakrav/status/1844915656203837587