James Carville the retarded mutant, an illiterate swamp creature with a certain foulness stink emanating from his grotesque lopsided skull. The toothless hillbilly skeleton, dripping odorous funk, remarks from a hostile center of nasty conjured up slogan folly.
His children doused in associated shame, behaving as immature rancid little rats squealing thru a drug store stealing cough medicine, and cigarettes. The oafly tyrant should be pruned from the tree of society.
@DrFell@Humpleupagus@thendrix both basic advice items are good: 1. normies are dumb, your message must be dumber to speak to them 2. don't talk too much because people don't like it, keep it short
and here are some others: 3. if it rhymes it sounds true 4. repeat to make it remembered 5. make emotions, not arguments