@0@pwm I'm getting annoyed with Linux distros (especially on servers) to the point that some day I'll probably partially switch to BSDs as source-based distros and Alpine are becoming the only sane ones to use.
@0@PurpCat@phnt@pwm Pic related, looks like it's a bug/regression in recent QEMU. I have a built copy of 8.2.0 laying around (since I was experimenting with qemu-3dfx) and that one appears to be partitionling the disk and copying files just fine. Screenshot_20241006_222014.png
@pernia@0@pwm relayd is a bit retarded, that it by default looks for TLS certs/keys with the same IP the relay listens on. Because I wanted to support serving on subdomains with a different cert than the main domain, I would have to use the alternative way of using an IP and appending the port to name of the cert/key. I tried to make it work for 2 hours and failed.
Now for what I meant. There's a config option in relayd, that allows it to search for certs/keys with a name instead of the IP. You just have to use a somewhat non-standard file extension for the fullchain certificate (something.crt instead of something.pem). It specifically has to be the fullchain certificate, otherwise any client won't be able to verify the CA that signed your certificate as it is not included.
To simplify it even more, setup acme-client like the screenshot and then tell relayd to use that name you chose in that config with this option in the protocol declaration. File extension must not be included.
Or alternatively wait a week and I'll commit the updated relayd/httpd config along with the updated docs on how to set it up. I just have to write a redirect for serving media on a subdomain and a forward based on HTTP headers. It's nearly done.
>TLS uses a tls config declaration instead of the IP symlink. Pardon my ignorance, what does this mean? What i know about tls is setting up acme-client and httpd and whabam
@pernia@0@pwmoban.borked.technology is running on it. The installation instructions are outdated, but still mostly apply. The rc script requires a small change and media proxy can't work with relayd/httpd as they don't have any caching capability.
For more up to date documentation, you can check out the MR I created, which isn't fully done yet as the relayd/httpd config needs some more polish.
The nginx part is untested, but it should work. relayd/httpd configuration currently ignores serving on subdomains and TLS uses a tls config declaration instead of the IP symlink.
@phnt@0@pwm have u tries pleroma on openbsd? back when salon was on the cheapest vps from frantec we used that, but ive been told the config instructions provided on the pleroma page are now out of date
@0@pwm I was pleasantly surprised when all my services are packaged and working on OpenBSD. For daily desktop use, I'm stuck with Linux, because I need a performant hypervisor and Docker.